Event Category: Major Event (Highlighted Event)

Science and Innovation Week 2021: An Internet of Things System for Timely Wildfire Monitoring

In recent years, destructive wildfires have caused catastrophic damages in many parts of the world. This summer, Ávila suffered one...

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European Researchers’ Night in Madrid 2021: What are you doing to improve the planet?

The ever-increasing number of connected devices is demanding the need for new communication techniques that do not consume much power...

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Talentum Startup Internships Event 2014

On December 4th, 2014, IMDEA Networks and Telefonica, in collaboration with the SEPI Foundation, launch a new edition of the Talentum Startups program

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IMDEA Networks at Madrid's European Researchers' Night 2020

The European Researchers’ Night in Madrid is promoted by the Department of Science, Universities and Innovation and coordinated by madri+d...

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Science and Innovation Week 2020: Green Light for the Earth

Educational talk (demo) about sustainable technology (creation of wireless devices without need for batteries) Due to the ever-increasing usage of...

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On October 13 through 16, IMDEA Networks Institute will host IEEE ICNP 2020, the 28th annual edition of the IEEE...

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International Scientific Council holds successful inaugural meeting

On July 11th INDEA Networks held the Annual Inaugural Meeting of its Scientific Council in Madrid. The meeting marked a milestone in the establishment of the research foundation. This prestigious Council is comprised of eleven of the World´s top researchers in network technology.

The Council was introduced to dignitaries, including senior representatives from the Regional Government of Madrid, who created and founded the IMDEA initiative. Having formally accepted their positions as Members, these eminent experts proceeded to discuss various aspects of the Foundation’s scientific strategy, which will help to steer the direction of research to be pursued over the coming years.

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MEDIEVAL: Project Plenary Meeting

Objectives of the meeting: Review status of the internal specifications milestones, synchronization intra and inter work packages and coordination for future work.

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MEDIANET Workshop 2013

It is our pleasure to invite you to the Workshop MEDIANET 2013, to be held next April 19, 2013 at University Carlos III of Madrid (Leganes Campus, room 4.1.S08 of the Rey Pastor library). Our main goal is to disseminate the main results obtained up to now in our project, and to present their benefits for all the society. MEDIANET strives for a significant scientific advance in the future media Internet where important advances are necessary to allow end-users to perceive a good quality of experience. 

All talks will be conducted in English, and the event is open to the public, but registration is required by using our web registration form http://goo.gl/cuAvB.

Download Workshop program  (71 KB

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Technology Transfer Symposium Institute IMDEA Networks – AETIC – UC3M

Event program:

09:00 - 09:30 Welcome and registration

09:30 - 09:50 Opening of the Symposium
D. Arturo Azcorra, Director General, CDTI
D. Francisco Marín, President of Area of Activities for Technological Innovation, AETIC
D. Albert Banchs, Deputy Director, Institute IMDEA Networks
D. Carlos Balaguer, Vice-Rector of Research, UC3M

09:50 - 10:15 Presentations
Presentation of Institute IMDEA Networks, D. Albert Banchs ( Download PDF in new window Download presentation 2006 Kb )
Presentation of the departament for I+D+i of AETIC, D. Juan Gascón, Director for Digital Content & R&D, AETIC
Download PDF in new window Download presentation 2256 Kb )

10:15 - 11:00 Energy Efficiency
Energy-efficient Networking at Institute IMDEA Networks
D. Antonio Fernández Anta, Senior Researcher, Institute IMDEA Networks ( Download PDF in new window Download presentation 160 Kb )
D. Francisco Romero, Director for Business Development ( Download PDF in new window Download presentation 1.757 Kb )
Dña. Marta Arias, General Manager for Energy Efficiency ( Download PDF in new window Download presentation 538 Kb )

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