Current Openings

Career information

Conditions & Benefits

PostDoc Research

  • PostDoc Researcher position in 6G Localization

    Pervasive Wireless Systems Group

    PostDoc Research - Supervised by Domenico GIUSTINIANO

    Deadline for receipt of applications: July 30, 2024 23:59 AoE (31 July 2024, 13:59h Europe/Madrid Time)

    Apply Now!More infoarrow_right_alt

Internship Student

Job opportunities

As someone interested in pursuing and enhancing your research and network science career, you will find attractive positions at IMDEA Networks Institute.

Whether you have recently graduated from a related area and are looking to pursue a funded Doctorate, or if you are an experienced and reputable researcher looking for an environment that provides you with unique support and opportunities, we value your interest in our Institute.

We continue to build a team of excellent researchers who can, and do, impact network research.