Archives: Events

IX Feria Madrid es Ciencia

La Feria Madrid por la Ciencia (The Forum for Science) is a key part of the Programa de Ciencia y Sociedad (Science and Society Program) that the Regional Government of Madrid launched in 2000, through the Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación (Directorate-General of Universities and Research). This Program seeks not only to promote dialogue between citizens and scientists, but also to increase the public’s participation in science.

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Open house: Informal reception at IMDEA Networks’ newly refurbished offices

Information reception to be held at IMDEA Networks’ newly refurbished offices to which all other building dwellers are invited, together with the University Carlos III of Madrid authorities, and NETCOM Research Group members from its Telematics Department, in order to celebrate the completion of the renovation work done in Avenida del Mar Mediterráneo, 22. This is event is prior to the Inauguration Event to be held in the summer.

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Endless Arguments in Systems Design, or, has the GENI lost its bottle?

In work at Washington St Louis and Stanford on network virtualization a lot of the research is predicated on lots of fancy hardware for forwarding (viz NetFPGA) (a recent SIGCOMM reject by UCL/Lancaster people on this got multiple GigEs at line rate fairly nicely - a good solid piece of work on mid-range affordable virtualized routers) – but that is virtualized _forwarding_ - the real control plane is the routing protocols- if you want to virtualize that, its because you want multiple co-existing routing computations (possibly for isolated VPNs, or possible for services for different users or for robustness to attack etc etc etc) so then what you want is META routing.

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The Role of Europe in Internet Governance, madri+d Forum on Communication Technologies (2008 Forums on Science and Technology)

The madri+d Forum on Communications Technologies is hosted by University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) on its Leganes Campus. The conference, "The Role of Europe in Internet Governance", will begin with a presentation on the international research institute, IMDEA Networks, by its Director, Dr. Arturo Azcorra, and will be followed by a speech by Professor Jon Crowcroft, Marconi Professor in Networked Systems at the University of Cambridge.

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IMDEA Networks and The Future Wireless Internet, Semana de la Ciencia 2008

Download the Programme of activities organized by IMDEA Networks in collaboration with the Higher Polytechnic School of University Carlos III of Madrid in  English (PDF in new window; 95 KB) & Spanish (PDF in new window; 38 KB).

Michal Kryczka’s presentation (PDF in new window; 867 KB)

Download Póster: Semana de la Ciencia (PDF in new window; 2,4 MB)

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IMDEA Networks Scientific Council

Attendance restricted to members only

The meeting will be conducted in English

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Technique for Indoor Position Location of Wireless LAN Clients

If you would like more information about James Aweya, please visit his homepage.

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"Research Trends in Future Internet”, Telefonica Open Research Day 2008

Telefonica Open Research Day 2008

Research is the process of exploration of new ideas and allows Telefonica to look into the future, working on tomorrow's problems and finding solutions that people can only dream about today.

As a result Telefonica is investing in bringing together incredibly passionate talented people with different view points (nationalities, disciplines, backgrounds) to follow their dreams, create new subjects and as a result new worlds for Telefonica's customers.

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On Security and Quality of Service in Multihop Wireless Networks

On Security and Quality of Service in Multihop Wireless Networks Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Wireless Mesh Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks have attracted remarkable attention in the research community in recent years. Fashioned from whatever devices are immediately available, the self-organizing nature of these networks promises spontaneous, untethered communication in absence of infrastructure, or the organic growth of wireless meshed networks. However, the fact that ad hoc and mesh networks are not yetdeployed at large indicates that they are not ready for prime time. This talk discusses selected issues in the area of quality of service and security for multihop wireless networks. We start with an overview on the work carried out at the Mobile Networking & Ubiquitous Communications group at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany.

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Trilogy Project

Assistant: Attendance restricted to project members only.
More information about Trilogy Project

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