In this seminar, one of the members of our Alumni Network, Dr. Elli Zavou, will take stock of her experience...
Read more arrow_right_altAs the Internet is becoming a fundamental aspect of the society serving as a de facto platform for social and...
Read more arrow_right_altMeasuring and efficiently circumventing censorship of the Internet requires a realistic model of those entities blocking communications. We undertook an...
Read more arrow_right_altThe very large bandwidth available in the 60 GHz band allows, in principle, to design highly accurate positioning systems. Integrating such systems with standard protocols (e.g., IEEE 802.11ad) is crucial for the deployment of location-based services, but it is also challenging and limits the design choices. Another key problem is that consumer-grade 60 GHz hardware only provides coarse channel state information, and has highly irregular beam shapes due to its cost-efficient design.
Read more arrow_right_altToday's distributed systems are increasingly virtualized and software-defined. While in principle, this introduces interesting new opportunities, e.g., in terms of resource allocation and traffic engineering, it also raises the question of how to algorithmically exploit the new flexibilities, and how to operate and control such dynamic systems without violating correctness and consistency properties.
Read more arrow_right_altAdrian Loch is currently a post-doc researcher at IMDEA Networks in Madrid, Spain. He graduated in Electrical Engineering from Universidad...
Read more arrow_right_altCan we build platforms that are decentralized, democratic, and where profit is distributed? In this talk, I will present P2P Models (, a new ERC 1.5M€ research project to build Blockchain-powered organizations.
Read more arrow_right_altUniversity Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) participates in the seventeenth edition of the Madrid Science Week with more than thirty activities (all free-of-charge ) that will offer a first-hand knowledge of the Institution's R&D program. IMDEA Networks is collaborating with UC3M in the staging of a multimedia, theatrical and informative show that explores the effects of 5G technology in our everyday lives. The show will held on November 7th in the Auditorium of the UC3M.
Read more arrow_right_altEnterprise Networking has a strong set of requirements in terms of resiliency, reliability and resources usage. With current approaches being based on monolithic and expensive infrastructures using dedicated overlay links, providers are moving to more economical hybrid solutions that encompass private dedicated links with public/regular Internet connections.
Read more arrow_right_altAmong the primary challenges of the roll out 5G networks are the protocol level issues it faces. Issues such as mm-wave beamforming, initial access, MAC layer design, mm-wave localization, network architectures, are all proving to be key elements that must be addressed. Both industry and academic research is still at an early phase of this work and for it to progress work must be done on a number of fronts in terms of test and measurement and other issues. This webinar will examine the work that is being done in addressing these issues and some of the solutions that have been developed.
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