Tag: IMDEA Networks

ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT 2008)

ACM CoNEXT 2008 es un foro internacional fundamental para las futuras tecnologías de redes (“future networking technologies”). Anteriores ediciones de...

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IMDEA Networks joins the Spanish e-Science Network (Red Española de e-Ciencia)

IMDEA Networks has become a new member of the Spanish e-Science Network. E-Science aims to organize, coordinate and drive the development of...

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IMDEA Networks a RIPE NCC member

Institute IMDEA Networks gains a stronger footing in its aim to impact the development of the Internet by becoming a...

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Interview with Jon Crowcroft, Marconi Professor fo Networked Systems, University of Cambridge; Visiting Researcher, IMDEA Networks

The future of our communication system worldwide lies in the development of the wireless Internet. Jon Crowcroft, a leading international...

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Interview with Professor Jon Crowcroft

The future of our communication system worldwide lies in the development of the wireless Internet. Jon Crowcroft, a leading international...

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madri+d Forum. Conference, Jon Crowcroft: The Role of Europe in Internet Governance

5th June, 2008, the madri+d Forum on Communications Technologies was hosted by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). The...

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IMDEA Networks Scientist joins future Internet body

Gonzalo Camarillo, a member of the Scientific Council of IMDEA Networks, has been appointed as a member of the Internet...

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Pioneering Networking Researcher Joins European Research Institute

Prof. Dr. Nicholas Maxemchuk takes up position as Chief Researcher at IMDEA Networks. IMDEA Networks has announced that Dr. Nicholas...

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Interview with Hari Balakrishnan

Over the next decade mobile Technologies will be perfected and the car network will become a reality.Hari Balakrishnan: Head of...

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Spanish Research is given another boost in the European Union's 2nd Conference for The Marco VII Programme

The expertise of Spanish research groups are beginning to spill over into the private sector thanks to new European initiatives....

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