Archives: Events

Measuring online behavioural advertising: adventures in data protection

Dr. Nikolaous Laoutaris talks about the landscape and methods of online advertising targeting to create personalized ads based on the...

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An Analysis of Pre-installed Android Software

The open-source nature of the Android OS makes it possible for manufacturers to ship custom versions of the OS along...

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Scalable and Adaptive Monitoring for Programmable Networks

Recent advances in the domain of software-based and programmable networks have opened up new opportunities towards effective management of network...

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Tales from the Porn: A Comprehensive Privacy Analysis of the Web Porn

Because of the sensitive content that they offer, modern privacy regulations try to control user tracking activities in such sites....

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PhD Thesis defense: Analysis and Performance Improvement of Consumer-Grade Millimeter Wave Wireless Networks

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) networks are one of the main key components in next cellular and WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks). mmWave...

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Cooperative Automated Driving: From Assistance Systems to Networking to Human Interaction

Research on Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) has led to quite a number of astonishing technical solutions that are becoming standard...

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PhD Thesis defense: Robust and Reliable Millimeter Wave Wireless Networks

Millimeter wave (mmWave) technology is one of the main pillars of the next generation Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) and...

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PhD Thesis defense: Towards Large-Scale and Collaborative Spectrum Monitoring Systems using IoT Devices

The Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is well regulated by frequency assignment authorities, national regulatory agencies and the International Communication Union (ITU)....

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Multiple-Relay Slotted ALOHA: Performance Analysis and Bounds

Wireless random access protocols are attracting a revived research interest as a simple yet effective solution for machine-type communications. In...

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Orchestration of Software-Defined Infrastructures for Edge Computing Applications

Compared to traditional end-to-end service deployment, which requires time-consuming configuration and management task on vendor-specific appliances, the adoption of software-defined...

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