Archives: Events

P2P Content Distribution

Multimedia content delivery is projected to be the biggest bandwidth consumer of the future Internet. For many years, the mechanism for content delivery envisioned by the networking community is network multicast.

Multicasting emulates traditional TV broadcasting; it is designed to be network efficient. But it falls short in at least two aspects: (a) it does not maximize throughput for content delivery; (b) like TV broadcasting, it does not provide on-demand access (i.e. Video-on-Demand).

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Towards the integration of heterogeneous sensor/actuator networks into context-aware systems

Embedded sensor systems are well suited to provide context data, i.e. any information which allows determining the context of entities (e.g. a user's location, an object's environmental parameters, or the number of people in a room). The additional integration of actuators allows interaction with the real world, e.g. control of heating, ventilation, or lighting. However, the big gap between the heterogeneous set of devices providing sensing and/or actuation needs to be bridged to enable smart context-aware applications. Special consideration hereby needs to be given to the efficient use of the available energy budget and the support for device heterogeneity. In this talk, means towards energy-efficient data transfer by applying header and payload compression for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) are presented, as well as our approach towards the seamless integration of WSAN nodes through using semantic self-descriptions and means towards unifying the access to node resources.


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Impact of Prefix Hijacking on Payments of Providers

Whereas prefix hijacking is usually examined from security perspectives, this paper looks at it from a novel economic angle. Our study stems from an observation that a transit AS (Autonomous System) has a financial interest in attracting extra traffic to the links with its customers. Based on real data about the actual hijacking incident in the Internet, we conduct simulations in the real AS-level Internet topology with synthetic demands for the hijacked traffic. Then, we measure traffic on all inter-AS links and compute the payments of all providers. The analysis of our results from technical, business, and legal viewpoints suggests that hijacking-based traffic attraction is a viable strategy that can create a fertile ground for tussles between providers. In particular, giant top-tier providers appear to have the strongest financial incentives to hijack popular prefixes and then deliver the intercepted traffic to the proper destinations. We also discuss directions for future research in the area of hijacking-based traffic attraction.

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WHY I AM A SCIENTIST - Researchers' Night, Madrid 2010 - Creativity for progress in Europe

In the context of "Researchers' Night, Madrid 2010 - Creativity for progress in Europe", the IMDEA initiative will take part in the “Why I am a scientist” event, through the participation of directors from each one of the eight member institutes.

Why I am a scientist

Organiser: Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA)

Hour: From 18:00 p.m to 19:30 p.m

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I-seismograph: Observing and Measuring Internet Earthquakes

Disruptive events such as large-scale power outages, undersea cable cuts, or Internet worms could cause the Internet to deviate from its normal state of operation. This deviation from normalcy is what we call the impact on the Internet, which we also refer to as an "Internet earthquake."


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Technology Transfer Symposium Institute IMDEA Networks – AETIC – UC3M

Event program:

09:00 - 09:30 Welcome and registration

09:30 - 09:50 Opening of the Symposium
D. Arturo Azcorra, Director General, CDTI
D. Francisco Marín, President of Area of Activities for Technological Innovation, AETIC
D. Albert Banchs, Deputy Director, Institute IMDEA Networks
D. Carlos Balaguer, Vice-Rector of Research, UC3M

09:50 - 10:15 Presentations
Presentation of Institute IMDEA Networks, D. Albert Banchs ( Download PDF in new window Download presentation 2006 Kb )
Presentation of the departament for I+D+i of AETIC, D. Juan Gascón, Director for Digital Content & R&D, AETIC
Download PDF in new window Download presentation 2256 Kb )

10:15 - 11:00 Energy Efficiency
Energy-efficient Networking at Institute IMDEA Networks
D. Antonio Fernández Anta, Senior Researcher, Institute IMDEA Networks ( Download PDF in new window Download presentation 160 Kb )
D. Francisco Romero, Director for Business Development ( Download PDF in new window Download presentation 1.757 Kb )
Dña. Marta Arias, General Manager for Energy Efficiency ( Download PDF in new window Download presentation 538 Kb )

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iNEXT and An Energy Driven Architecture for Modelling Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks

The talk consists of two parts. The first part will present an overview on the current research activities of iNEXT (Centre for Innovation in IT applications and Services) at the University of Technology, Sydney. This includes a brief description of our Sensor Grid for Assistive Healthcare project.

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Towards an Energy-Efficient Internet Core with Near-Zero Buffers

Improving the energy-efficiency of core routers is important for ISPs and equipment vendors alike. We tackle this problem by focusing on packet buffers in backbone router line-cards. We broadly classify the talk into two parts - an evolutionary approach and a clean-slate design. In the former, we propose a simple power saving mechanism that turns buffers on/off to save energy. Our scheme can be incrementally deployed today and requires minimal changes to existing line-card design.

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Is Content Publishing in BitTorrent Altruistic or Profit-Driven?

BitTorrent is the most popular P2P content delivery appli-cation where individual users share various type of content with tens of thousands of other users. The growing popular-ity of BitTorrent is primarily due to the availability of valuable content without any cost for the consumers. However, apart from required resources, publishing (sharing) valuable (and often copyrighted) content has serious legal implica-tions for users who publish the material (or publishers). This raises a question that whether (at least major) content publishers behave in an altruistic fashion or have other incentives such as financial. In this study, we identify the content publishers of more than 55K torrents in two major BitTorrent portals and examine their behavior. We demonstrate that a small fraction of publishers is responsible for 67% of the published content and 75% of the downloads. Our investigations reveal that these major publishers respond to two dif-ferent profiles. On the one hand, antipiracy agencies and ma-licious publishers publish a large amount of fake files to protect copyrighted content and spread malware respectively. On the other hand, content publishing in BitTorrent is largely driven by companies with financial incentives. Therefore, if these companies lose their interest or are unable to publish content, BitTorrent traffic/portals may disappear or at least their associated traffic will be significantly reduced.

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On Economic Heavy Hitters: Shapley value analysis of 95th percentile pricing

Rade Stanojevic obtained his B.Sc. in Mathematics from University of Nis, Serbia and a Ph.D. from Hamilton Institute, NUIM, Ireland. His current research interests span performance evaluation, network economics and energy aware computing. His work on decentralized cloud control has been awarded the ACM SIGMETRICS 2008 Kenneth C. Sevcik Outstanding Student Paper Award and the IEEE IWQoS 2009 Best Paper Award. Since fall 2010 he is a staff researcher in the IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid. Prior to that he was a post-doc with Telefonica Research, Barcelona.

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