Funding and scholarships

We dedicate extensive resources to obtaining external funding to support our research team and in particular those members who excel in their capacities, with the objective to promote the scientific and technical potential of our human capital and, as a direct result, the outreach of the Institute's activities.

The funding of our individual researchers takes the form of awarded Grants, Scholarships and Fellowships. These awards are similar to externally-funded research in their openness and the strict selection processes used, and they confer prestige on the awardee as well as on the organization he is affiliated to.

Below we list our Current & Former Funding Awards

Funding Awards

National Fundings

Programa Investigo

"Programa investigo" for recruiting young job seekers to undertake research and innovation initiatives

Financed by: Ministry of Employment and Social Economy-SEPE. European Union NextGenerationEU
The program finances the hiring for a maximum of two years of young researchers who are unemployed in public research organizations, public universities, technology centers and other public and private entities for their participation in a research project. The grant awarded to IMDEA Networks ...More infoarrow_right_alt
R3 Certificate as established researcher (Former I3 Programme)

R3 Certificate as established researcher (Former I3 Programme)

Financed by: Spanish State Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación)
The purpose of this certificate is to assess the career of national and foreign researchers within the framework of a postdoctoral itinerary to access to the Spanish System of Science, Technology, and Innovation, and to recognize the quality and independence of their research, in compliance with ...More infoarrow_right_alt
Predoctoral Training Grants linked to a R&D Generación de Conocimiento Project

Predoctoral Training Grants linked to a R&D Generación de Conocimiento Project

Financed by: MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by the European Union (ESF+)
The Predoctoral Training Grants linked to an R&D Generación de Conocimiento Project funds the hiring of predoctoral training researchers to carry out a PhD thesis associated with the research projects previously menitoned. This call was formerly known as Formación Predoctoral de Inve...More infoarrow_right_alt
Ramón y Cajal Grants

Ramón y Cajal Grants

Financed by: Grant RYC2020-030316-I funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and ESF "The European Social Fund invests in your future" / Grant RYC2020-029401-I funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and ESF "The European Social Fund invests in your future” / Grant RYC2022-036375-I funded by MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ESF+.
The Ramón y Cajal program's main objective is to strengthen the research capacity of R&D groups and organizations from the public as well as the private sectors, by means of the hiring of researchers who have been awarded a Ph.D. and who have applied presenting a research line they wish to de...More infoarrow_right_alt
Juan de la Cierva Grants (former JdC-Formación)

Juan de la Cierva Grants (former JdC-Formación)

Financed by: L. E. Chatzlieftheriou (JDC2022-004768-I) is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, State Research Agency, and the European Union-NextGenerationEU/PRTR. S.W.H. Shah (JDC2023-050996-I) is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, State Research Agency, and the European Social Fund Plus.
The purpose of the Juan de la Cierva grant is to encourage the employment of young doctors for a period of two years to complete their postdoctoral research training in Spanish R&D centers other than those in which they carried out their predoctoral training. Until 2022, this call was refe...More infoarrow_right_alt
Mobility stays for senior professors/researches in foreign centers 2023

Mobility stays for senior professors/researches in foreign centers 2023

Financed by: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU)
This program is aimed at promoting mobility, via stays abroad, of university lecturers and researchers who are experienced and can demonstrate a reputable professional career, in order to promote their continuous training. Organizations chosen for the stay must be located abroad and be highly com...More infoarrow_right_alt

Regional Fundings

Talent Attraction - Postdoctoral Researchers

Talent Attraction - Postdoctoral Researchers

Financed by: Regional Government of Madrid
This grant is funded by the Program for Talent Attraction of the Regional Government of Madrid 2020 call, in its modality for young doctors. This is the grant of reference for attracting research talent at the regional level, being considered analogous to the Ramón y Cajal and Juan de la Cierv...More infoarrow_right_alt
Grants to hire predoctoral research personnel in training

Grants to hire predoctoral research personnel in training

Financed by: Regional Government of Madrid. Beyza Bütün grant PIPF-2022/COM-24867. Sergio Díaz grant PIPF-2022/COM-24467. Bei Ouyang grant PIPF-2022/COM-26010. Louis Miermont grant PIPF-2023/COM-31147. Vinuri Bandara grant PIPF-2023/COM-31195.
The aim of these funds is the hiring of predoctoral research personnel in training for a maximum of 4 years for the undertaking of doctoral theses compliant with the International PhD requirements. These grants are funded by the Regional Government of Madrid.  More infoarrow_right_alt

Former Funding Awards

European Fundings

MARIE CURIE AMAROUT Europe  Programme (2009-2017)

MARIE CURIE AMAROUT Europe Programme (2009-2017)

Financed by: European Union. Marie Curie Action (PEOPLE COFUND)
AMAROUT Europe is a Marie-Curie Action (7FP - PEOPLE-COFUND) for researcher mobility, which aims to foster and consolidate the European Research Area by attracting to Europe and, in particular, to the region of Madrid (Spain) top research talent. AMAROUT contributes with IMDEA to turning Madrid i...More infoarrow_right_alt
ERC Grants (2012-2019)

ERC Grants (2012-2019)

Financed by: European Union. European Research Council (ERC Grants)
Europe currently offers insufficient opportunities for young investigators to develop independent careers and make the transition from working under a supervisor to being independent researchers in their own right. This structural problem leads to a dramatic waste of research talent in Europe. It...More infoarrow_right_alt
TEAM Erasmus Mundus Programme Scholarships (2016)

TEAM Erasmus Mundus Programme Scholarships (2016)

Financed by: European Union – ERASMUS Mundus Action 2 Programme
The TEAM Erasmus Mundus project brings together world class higher education and research institutions as well as industrial partners in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). As an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme, funded by the European Commission, the TEAM partnership ...More infoarrow_right_alt
“MARIE CURIE” Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) for Career Development (2014-2016)

“MARIE CURIE” Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) for Career Development (2014-2016)

Financed by: European Union. FP7-PEOPLE-IEF
An Intra-European Fellowship (IEF) for career development is a Marie Curie Action aimed at providing an individual grant allowing an Experienced Researcher to move within Europe to pursue a particular research project. The fellowship is designed for researchers willing to develop their career in ...More infoarrow_right_alt

National Fundings

Ramón y Cajal Grants to create a permanent position

Ramón y Cajal Grants to create a permanent position

Financed by: Grants RYC-2012-10788 and RYC-2014-16285 funded by MINECO
To those R&D Centres that, having been beneficiaries of a grant for the recruitment of doctors in the Ramón y Cajal sub-programme, have created the corresponding permanent post. The Ramón y Cajal program's main objective is to strengthen the research capacity of R&D groups and organiza...More infoarrow_right_alt

MIT-SPAIN - "la Caixa" Foundation SEED FUND (2018-2019)

Financed by: MISTI Global Seed Funds
Online services have the capacity of learning the preferences and interests of individual customers based on their online activity. Using this knowledge, the online services can be personalized. This personalization filter is referred to as the filter bubble, and it is built from the actions of t...More infoarrow_right_alt
Grants to promote youth employment and the implementation of the Youth Guarantee system in R&D+I

Grants to promote youth employment and the implementation of the Youth Guarantee system in R&D+I

Financed by: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
The purpose of this call for proposals is to grant Aid, for a period of two years, to improve the training and employability of technical and R&D management personnel through their employment contracts in universities, public sector research bodies and organisations, while at the same time re...More infoarrow_right_alt
Juan de la Cierva Oct 2021

Juan de la Cierva Incorporation Grants

Grant for the recruitment of PhD-holders by research and development centers. The purpose of the Juan de la Cierva incorporation grants is to encourage the recruitment of young doctors by Spanish research organizations or R&D centers. Grants are awarded for a period of two years in order t...More infoarrow_right_alt
Grants for training university teachers - FPU

Grants for training university teachers - FPU

Financed by: Spanish Ministry of Universities (MIU). Formerly, by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD)
FPU scholarships are part of the Spanish program for professional training of university lecturers (Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario - FPU), and they are designed to promote academic training in doctoral programs and research training for those who wish to focus their professio...More infoarrow_right_alt
José Castillejo Research stays abroad for young postdocs (2021) - Fulbright Program

José Castillejo Research stays abroad for young postdocs (2021) - Fulbright Program

Financed by: Spanish Ministry of Universities (MIU)
This program is aimed at promoting mobility of young postdoctoral researchers from Spanish universities an research centers via research stays abroad. Organizations chosen for the stay must be located abroad and be highly competitive universities and research centers in the candidate’s scientific...More infoarrow_right_alt

Regional Fundings

Youth Employment Initiative (YEI)

Youth Employment Initiative (YEI)

Financed by: European Social Fund (Youth Employment Initiative), Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Regional Government of Madrid.
The aim of these grants is to recruit young people, over the age of sixteen and under the age of 30, who are neither employed nor enrolled into education or training programs, so that they are apt to receive an offer of employment and thus strengthen the research teams that develop their work in ...More infoarrow_right_alt
Industrial PhDs Programme 2019. Smart 5G Networks

Industrial PhDs Programme 2019. Smart 5G Networks

Financed by: Programme for the execution of Industrial PhDs. Regional Government of Madrid
Projects partners:
  • Telcaria Ideas S.L.
  • IMDEA Networks.
The goal of this project is to propose a mobile network architecture that meets the requirements of the different vertical industries targeted by 5G. The proposed architecture will lie on...
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Attraction of research talent. NetSense

Attraction of research talent. NetSense

Awardee/s: Dr. Marco FIORE
Financed by: Regional Government of Madrid. Department of Science, Universities and Innovation
Grants designed to attract research talent for its incorporation into research groups within the Madrid Region. Modality 1. The objective of these grants is to promote the short-term incorporation of prestigious researchers from foreign R&D organizations to the RD&I centers of the Madr...More infoarrow_right_alt
Youth Employment Initiative (YEI)

Youth Employment Initiative (YEI)

Financed by: European Social Fund (Youth Employment Initiative), Department of Science, Universities, and Innovation, Regional Government of Madrid
Grants for the recruitment of predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Youth Employment Operational Program and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). The aim of these grants is to recruit young people, over the age of sixteen and under the a...More infoarrow_right_alt
Attraction of research talent – Chairs of Excellence Programme (2017- 2018)

Attraction of research talent – Chairs of Excellence Programme (2017- 2018)

Financed by: Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Regional Government of Madrid
The objective of these grants is to promote the short-term incorporation of prestigious researchers from foreign R&D organizations to the RD&I centers of the Madrid region, in order to strengthen those research teams that develop their work in areas of strategic interest. The ultimate aim...More infoarrow_right_alt
Industrial PhDs 2017

Industrial PhDs 2017

Financed by: Department of Education and Research, Regional Government of Madrid (Consejería de Educación e Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid)
Other Awardee/s:
  • Telcaria Ideas S.L. (Industry Partner)
  • Jose María ROLDÁN GIL (Industrial PhD student)
Funding to promote the effective collaboration and transfer of knowledge between the academic world and the industry. It is based on the p...
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I3 Subventions (Programa I3) (2008-2010)

I3 Subventions (Programa I3) (2008-2010)

Financed by: Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Regional Government of Madrid (Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte, Comunidad de Madrid)
I3 subventions are aimed to promote the incorporation of researchers and the intensification of the relation of cooperation and coordination of their research activities, technological innovation and development, as a specific strategic goal of the Spanish National Plan for Scientific Research an...More infoarrow_right_alt
Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) (2017-2019)

Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) (2017-2019)

Financed by: European Social Fund (Youth Employment Initiative), Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Regional Government of Madrid
The aim of these grants is to recruit young people, over the age of sixteen and under the age of 30, who are neither employed nor enrolled into education or training systems, so that they are apt to receive an offer of employment and thus strengthen the research teams that develop their work in a...More infoarrow_right_alt


Google Fellowship in Privacy and Security

Google Fellowship in Privacy and Security

Awardee/s: Dr. Julien GAMBA
Financed by: Google
Google PhD Fellowships directly support graduate students as they pursue their PhD, as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor. Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recogniz...More infoarrow_right_alt
The NortonLifeLock Research Group Graduate Fellowship

The NortonLifeLock Research Group Graduate Fellowship

Awardee/s: Dr. Julien GAMBA
Financed by: NortonLifeLock Research Group
The PhD Student will be selected based on their overall potential for research excellence and their academic progress to date as evidenced by publications. Preference will be given to students who desire to work in an industrial research lab and to those working on innovative research projects in...More infoarrow_right_alt
La Caixa scholarships for doctorates at Spanish universities and research centres (2016-2019)

La Caixa scholarships for doctorates at Spanish universities and research centres (2016-2019)

Financed by: Fundación "la Caixa" (Fundación Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona)
The purpose of this scholarship program is to promote the mobility of young researchers in training and facilitate their incorporation to the best research groups in Spain.More infoarrow_right_alt