Category: News

Telecomunications in Tele-medicine and in medical Tele-mentoring: The Importance of capturing and transmitting the Feeling of “Touch” over Networks

Dream, reality or necessity? In 2001, a trans-atlantic tele-robotic surgery, code-named Lindbergh, was performed from NY by Drs. Jacques Marescaux...

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European co-funding for mobility of 130 researchers

The network of Madrid Institutes for Advanced Studies (IMDEA) has obtained, in the latest Marie-Curie Actions call for proposals within the Seventh...

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Interview to Marco Ajmone Marsan, Research Professor, IMDEA Networks; Full Professor, Politecnico di Torino

Marco Ajmone Marsan holds a double appointment as Research Professor at IMDEA Networks, the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Networks,...

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Interview to Ralf Steinmetz, President of the Board of IMDEA Networks

Interviewer: Thank you for granting us this interview and for sharing your thoughts about the issues currently surrounding global communications....

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Boost to research into P2P and e-commerce of Future Wireless Internet

Thanks to the appointment of Dr Georganas who will tutor doctorates at UC3M Dr Nicolas Georganas has been appointed as...

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Gustavo de Veciana new IEEE Fellow 2009

Dr. Gustavo de Veciana, Professor at University of Texas at Austin, and Visiting Researcher at IMDEA Networks, the Madrid Institute...

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El futuro de Internetworking en ACM CoNEXT 2008

The 4th ACM International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies is an important forum that aims to open up informative...

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Intelligent vehicle communications systems

The European project GeoNet, a member of the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium, of which the Madrid Institute of Advanced...

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P2P networks and e-commerce research towards The Future Wireless Internet

Dr. Georganas has recently joined IMDEA Networks as a Visiting Researcher and, during the current academic year, has also occupied...

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“What unites us at IMDEA Networks is our shared mission to develop solutions for Future Wireless Internet”

Interview to Arturo Azcorra, Director, IMDEA Networks. 1. First of all we would like to thank you for the time you...

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