
IMDEA Networks research on millimeter-wave communications wins PIMRC 2016 Best Student Paper Award

The publication 'Speeding Up mmWave Beam Training through Low-Complexity Hybrid Transceivers', authored by a team of IMDEA Networks researchers has...

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Arturo Azcorra explains future 5G communications on Radio Exterior de España

Arturo Azcorra, Director of IMDEA Networks Institute and Full Professor at University Carlos III of Madrid, is interviewed by the...

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Arturo Azcorra tells us how 5G technology will change our lives

Arturo Azcorra, Director of IMDEA Networks Institute and Full Professor at University Carlos III of Madrid, was interviewed yesterday by...

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5G takes shape: developing the proof-of-concept of 5G building blocks

Over the last year IMDEA Networks researchers have been part of Flex5Gware, a project launched as part of the joint...

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Containing a Superintelligent AI Is Theoretically Impossible

We reproduce here in full an article published by the online magazine and video channel Motherboard of Vice Media. The...

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Adrian Loch receives ACM SIGCOMM 2016 travel grant

Adrian Loch, a Post-Doc Researcher at IMDEA Networks working in the Wireless Networking Group led by Joerg Widmer, has received...

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IMDEA Networks introduces the OpenVLC platform for research in Visible Light Communication Systems

Visible Light Communication (VLC), sometimes also referred to as “Li-Fi”, uses standard off-the-shelf visible light LEDs to transmit data using...

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Elnaz Alizadeh Jarchlo, new PhD Student

Elnaz Alizadeh Jarchlo has become a member of the IMDEA Networks research team. She will be working as a PhD Student within the Ubiquitous...

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Telefónica Invites Cohere Technologies to Join 5TONIC Lab

SANTA CLARA, California (USA) and MADRID (Spain) – August 2, 2016 – Cohere Technologies today announced that Telefonica, one of...

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Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award conferred upon Joerg Widmer for cutting-edge innovation in wireless networking research

Dr. Joerg Widmer, a tenured Research Professor and the Research Strategy Manager at IMDEA Networks Institute, received earlier this month the...

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