Tag: Data analytics

"5G: We are close to achieving a latency of one millisecond"

In a recent interview with Business Insider, our director Arturo Azcorra, vice president of 5TONIC, has spoken about the 5G...

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FIVECOMM joins 5TONIC for the integration and implementation of the 5G Módem (F5GM)

5TONIC, the open research and innovation laboratory on 5G technologies, founded by Telefónica and IMDEA Networks, has signed a collaboration...

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BANYAN will bring data-driven solutions at the mobile network radio access

IMDEA Networks is since April 2020 part of the Innovative Training Networks (ITN) project “BANYAN: Big dAta aNalYtics for radio...

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Elisa Cabana and Giulia Attanasio, two young researchers who opted for STEM careers

The low presence of women studying STEM careers (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is a global phenomenon. Precisely, in order...

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Parental control applications often misbehave posing privacy threats for children and even parents

The researchers Álvaro Feal (IMDEA Networks Institute), Paolo Calciati (IMDEA Software Institute), Dr. Narseo Vallina-Rodríguez (IMDEA Networks Institute), Dr. Carmela...

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The challenge of controlling a Superintelligent Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has an impact on many aspects of our lives. As it progresses, it will allow the automation of...

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“IMDEA Networks it's not only a great place where to work but also a great place where to live every day”

In this second interview, Marco Fiore, Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks, tells us the importance of having an open...

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Media magazine: the "magnificent seven", in Diario ABC

The Community of Madrid is a benchmark in research, through its universities and its seven IMDEA Institutes: Water, Food, Materials,...

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The CoronaSurveys Project, among the finalists for the COVID-19 Symptom Data Challenge

Over 150 researchers and 50 organisations participated in the call for proposals entitled the COVID-19 Symptom Data Challenge, sponsored by...

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The keys to work at IMDEA Networks, according to Marco Fiore: hard work and passion

Marco Fiore, Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks, is the head of the Networks Data Science Group on research activities...

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