Archives: Projects


Modern software development and deployment has experienced profound changes in the last decade with the massive adoption of agile development...

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Supported by an underground economy, cyber-dependent crimes have rocketed in recent years. Knowledge, but more importantly, tools are exchanged in...

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SocialProbing brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers who will combine their knowledge and skills to develop techniques, technologies and...

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The 5G mobile communication era has just started, and we are already experiencing the dominance of various new applications with...

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Monitoring a process/phenomenon of specific interest at the network edge is prevalent in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), remote healthcare, smart buildings,...

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Fifth-generation (5G) networks are now entering a stable phase in terms of system architecture and commercial release, and the identification...

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The emergent European Data Economy relies on the availability of data as a basis for further innovation and exponential development...

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The energy consumption of mobile networks has been the source of animated debates in the recent period, with the deployment...

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Today, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors are being extensively used for monitoring processes/phenomena in smart cities. The data samples generated...

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Consumer Reports - Digital Lab Fellowship

The objective of this project is to shed light on the Android supply chain and explore the attribution, privacy and...

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