Archives: Events

Low cost Network Coding for Collaborative Video Streaming

We focus on collaborative video streaming in wired overlay networks using low cost network codes. We propose a scheme that builds on both rateless codes and network coding in order to improve the system throughput and the video quality at clients. Our hybrid coding algorithm permits to efficiently exploit the available source and path diversity, without the need either for expensive routing or for scheduling algorithms.

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Science is my Life

Under the title La Ciencia es mi Vida (Science is My Life), a roundtable will be held between 19:00 and 21:00 of Friday 28th September 2012 in the Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid (street Pinar 21-23), moderated by the Professor of Theoretical Physics Mr. Alfredo Poves, gathering a number of researchers from the Madrid Institutes of Advanced Studies (IMDEA, Institutos Madrileños de Estudios Avanzados).

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ESNOG/GORE 2012 - Networking event

On Wednesday, the 13th of November, will take place the next meeting of ESNOG/GORE (España Network Operators Group / Grupo de Operadores de Red Españoles), at the Polytechnic School (Leganés Campus) of the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M). The meeting is sponsored by the Cátedra Telefónica de la UC3M and ESPANIX (Punto neutro Español de Internet). This is a workshop that will schedule a series of lectures and panel discussions on Internet at the network level.

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Seminar: Peer-to-peer vs. IP multicast: comparing approaches to IPTV streaming based on TV channel popularity

Already a popular application in the Internet, IPTV is becoming, among the service providers, a preferred alternative to conventional Broadcasting technologies. Since many of the existing deployments have been done within the safe harbor of telcos own networks, IP multicast has been the desired streaming solution. However, previous studies showed that the popularity of the TV channels follows the Pareto principle, with the bulk of TV channels being watched only by a small fraction of viewers. Recognizing the potential scalability issues, we believe that multicast streaming approach may not be desirable for unpopular TV channels, especially when there are many such channels in the provider's service package. 

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Advanced Computer Networks

This seminar builds on your basic knowledge of computer networks from an introductory computer networks class or equivalent. It covers mathematical and algorithmic foundations of the essential networking functions of data transfer, transfer control, and management. Essential concepts of some techniques, such as optimization, control theory, queuing theory, and their application to networks are covered.

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Networked 3-D Virtual Collaboration in Science and Education: Towards ‘Web 3.0’ (A Modeling Perspective)

Combined advances in high speed networking, mobile devices, application sharing, web services, virtual world technologies and large scale event processing are converging to create a new world of pervasive, ubiquitous “presence” of users, which offers tremendous potential for social interaction and co-creation. The communication networking and computing requirements of this converged human-centric environment are also increasing at an accelerated pace. In this new environment, it is imperative that the much-needed networking and computing resources align closely with the needs and patterns dictated by the applications, social networks, and by the human users. We believe that the success of such socio-technical systems will hinge on the way networks capture and interact with human presence and location, in all of its physical, virtual and perceived aspects.

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Routing and capacity resilient network design

Despite the broadly title, the seminar will be focused in the notion of max-min fairness (MMF) and its application to routing optimization in communication networks:

1. Basic notions
2. Convex MMF problems
3. Non-convex MMF problems
4. Examples of MMF routing optimization problems

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Networking Future with IMDEA Networks

  • Dr. Sergey Gorinsky (Senior Researcher, IMDEA Networks)
  • Prof. Dr. Arturo Azcorra (Director General for Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurial Development (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation)
  • Paul Patras (Research Assistant, IMDEA Networks)
  • Dr. Mary Luz Mouronte (Division Manager, Telefonica Research, Madrid)
  • Dr. Albert Banchs (Deputy Director, IMDEA Networks; Associate Professor, UC3M)
  • Prof. Dr. Narasimha Reddy (Cátedra de Excelencia, University Carlos III of Madrid; Visiting Researcher, IMDEA Networks, Madrid; Texas A&M University, USA)
  • Alejandro Javier Tosina González (Spanish Representative in ICT Committee – EU Framework Programme; CDTI – Ministry of Science and Innovation)

Location: Basement Floor, “Sala de Audiovisuales”, Room 3.1.S08, Building: Rey Pastor (Library), University Carlos III of Madrid, Avda. Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganes – Madrid
Date: November 11th, 2009, 15:00 – 18:00
Organization: IMDEA Networks in collaboration with the Higher Polytechnic School, University Carlos III of Madrid, Leganes Campus

The conference will be conducted in English
Advanced registration: rebeca.demiguel

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Presentation of research lines

Dr. Kenichi Mase, Dr. Toshini Tsuboi and Dr. Hiromi Ueda will visit Institute IMDEA Networkson Monday September 20th and will take the opportunity to present their research lines. The overall talk will last about 45 minutes, including questions and answers, and it will be divided in the following three 15 minute slots:

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