Archives: Events

WONS 2014 – The 11th IEEE/IFIP Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services

Providing secure, reliable, and dependable wireless services is the primary objective of modern data networks. While enabling technology for “on-demand” services through any of the common wireless architectures, such as WiMax, WiFi, ad hoc networks, sensor networks, and vehicular networks, has made large strides, many formidable challenges remain to be overcome, such as the integration of infrastructure-based and ad hoc networks, robust algorithms for self-organizing, reconfigurable wireless networks, on-demand service models and their performance in highly-volatile interconnect topologies as well as interoperability of different architectures.

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Network Sharing: An Energy-Efficient Option For European Mobile Network Operators

We investigate the energy saving made possible by the network sharing approach, whereby all (or significant parts) of a network infrastructure are shared by different network operators. Our study reveals that in most European countries the amount of energy necessary to run mobile networks can be reduced by 35 to 60%.

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e-Energy 2012, the Third International Conference on Future Energy Systems, Where Energy, Computing and Communication Meet

e-Energy is the third International Conference on Future Energy Systems, which is organized annually since 2010. Due to the increasing significance of power consumption in computing and networking, the goal of e-Energy is to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners working in this area to discuss recent and innovative results, as well as identify future directions and challenges. The continuing spread of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has contributed much to the reduction of energy consumption in many areas of everyday life. Nevertheless ICT infrastructure continues to expand in capacity and reach, and needs to be more energy-efficient itself. Additionally, ICT can be used to optimize the production, transport and consumption of energy in other setups.

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Institute IMDEA Networks Open House 2011: Research and development

Why should I consider a future in research? What sort of opportunities does a PhD open up for me? What makes research in the science of networks such an exciting career choice? How can we ensure that the Internet can grow and adapt to ever-changing needs over the coming decades? What lies beyond the Internet? What inspires network research?

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WOWMOM 2013, the 14th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks

WoWMoM 2013 is the 14th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks. WoWMoM addresses research challenges and advances towards a world of wireless, mobile, and multimedia pervasive communications.

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ACM e-Energy 2014 – The 5th International Conference on Future Energy Systems

Several members and stakeholders of IMDEA Networks Institute are leading the organization of ACM e-Energy 2014. Marco Ajmone Marsan and Antonio Fernández Anta are both long-standing researchers at the Institute. Two leading international figures in networking research, Jim Kurose from University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA) and Jon Crowcroft, from University of Cambridge (UK), are both members of IMDEA Networks’ Scientific Council. Ajmone, Fernández Anta, and Kurose are Steering Committee members the ACM e-Energy conference, whereas Crowcroft is the General co-chair of the 2014 edition.

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2nd IMDEA Networks Annual International Workshop: Energy Efficiency and Networking

IMDEA Networks is organizing its 2nd Annual International Workshop, this year focusing on Energy Efficiency and Networking on 31st May - 1st June, 2010 in Madrid, Spain. The workshop will include presentations and a panel dealing with the latest advances and challenges facing the field. Energy efficiency is becoming one of the most important issues of our time. Population growth and exhaustion of available energy sources makes clever use of energy one of the main challenges for our society. The objective of this workshop is to explore the role of networking in the general effort towards sustainable use of energy.

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4th IMDEA Networks Annual International Workshop: Data

Institute IMDEA Networks annually holds a by-invitation-only thematic workshop in Madrid. The workshop accompanies a meeting of our Scientific Council comprised by prominent researchers. In addition to talks by Scientific Council members, the workshop includes invited talks by external experts in the research theme of the workshop. The goal of the 2012 workshop is to foster discussion on a critical aspect of research in networking: data.

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Challenges of mobile content and interpersonal communications in high demand scenario

The increasing capabilities of mobile communication devices are changing the way people interconnect today. Similarly, almost ubiquitous connectivity is leading to the expectation that data and media are available everywhere and anytime. 

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3rd IMDEA Networks Annual International Workshop: Internet Science

Institute IMDEA Networks annually holds a by-invitation-only thematic workshop in Madrid. The workshop accompanies a meeting of our Scientific Council comprised by prominent researchers. In addition to talks by Scientific Council members, the workshop includes invited talks by external experts in the research theme of the workshop. The 2011 workshop theme is Internet science with a focus on social networking.

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