Projects Category: Proyecto actual (categoría provisional)


CYBERACTIONING project is originated by a consortium originally formed within the European University Alliance ARQUS, with the addition of five...

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Data Marketplaces (DMs), in which data sellers make datasets available for purchase by data buyers are emerging fast in the...

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Today we are experiencing the digital transformation happening with an unprecedented pace, with the community constantly researching on new solutions...

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The success of Beyond 5G (B5G) systems will largely depend on the quality of the Network Intelligence (NI) that will...

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Precision agriculture for rice farming and smart methods such as aquaponics are vital to ensure a safe supply of fresh...

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As mobile services consumed by people and machines become increasingly diversified and heterogeneous, 4G/5G networks are asked to meet a...

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User level traffic prediction in cellular network

The aim of this project is to leverage machine learning techniques to perform accurate user-level traffic prediction to improve theperformance...

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Deep Learning for Efficient Wireless Backhaul

The tremendous capacity increases in radio access envisioned for 5G and beyond mobile net- works has increased the requirements for...

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Datacenter with High Efficiency - Optimizing Organization and Scheduling of Datacenter Resources

The number of data centers is rapidly growing and their use is increasingly widespread, however, their efficiency is very low....

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Context-awareness is essential for many existing and emerging applications. Context information greatly relies on location information of people and things....

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