Tag: Machine learning

Containing a Superintelligent AI Is Theoretically Impossible

We reproduce here in full an article published by the online magazine and video channel Motherboard of Vice Media. The...

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Ubicua Xperience: How the first Smart Shopping Mall in Europe works

Researchers from Zendos Tecnología and the IMDEA Networks Institute have developed an innovative tool to analyze the behavior of customers...

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The intelligent platform Ubicua Xperience – business marketing for shopping malls

Researchers at Zendos Tecnología and IMDEA Networks Institute have developed an innovative tool for the analysis of customer and visitor...

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Combining Graphs and Big Data to Recommend Apps

Antonio Fernández Anta, Research Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute, was invited to deliver a Keynote speech at the first Machine...

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Separating Wheat from Chaff

An IMDEA Networks pre-doctorate researcher, Andra Lutu, has co-authored an article to be published at IEEE INFOCOM 2014 (33rd Annual...

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