IMDEA Networks continues its support of e-Energy conference

03 March 2014

Several members and stakeholders of IMDEA Networks Institute are leading the organization of the 5th International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy 2014). Marco Ajmone Marsan and Antonio Fernández Anta are both long-standing researchers at the Madrid research institute. Two leading international figures in networking research, Jim Kurose from University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA) and Jon Crowcroft, from University of Cambridge (UK), are both members of IMDEA Networks’ Scientific Council. Ajmone, Fernández Anta, and Kurose are Steering Committee members the ACM e-Energy conference, whereas Crowcroft is the General co-chair of the 2014 edition. This year’s event will take place in Cambridge from June 11th to the 13th.

ACM e-Energy 2014 will bring together researchers, developers and practitioners working in the fields of energy, computing and communications to discuss recent research and identify future directions and major R&D challenges. The conference will address areas such as servers and communications infrastructures, services in data centers, end-systems in home and office environments, broadband access networks, sensor networks, cloud computing, smart grids and future networks such as The Internet of Things. With the backing of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) e-Energy 2014 has already become a scientific forum of reference in the development of green communications and computing technologies.

IMDEA Networks Institute organized the 3rd edition of this event(e-Energy 2012), building on its ongoing research in the field of energy efficiency, including research aimed at creating more energy-efficient computing and communications systems as well as designing ICT systems that improve energy production and distribution in other areas. This research includes the development of new algorithms that adapt networking infrastructure to the variations of traffic demand over time, as well as the creation of protocols and algorithms specifically adapted for smart energy management systems such as Smart Grids.

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