27 June 2019
Member companies of the 5TONIC, one of the first 5G use cases co-creation laboratories based in Madrid, took center stage at last week’s European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2019) in Valencia, delivering demonstrations, workshops and presentations that highlighted the lab’s work advancing 5G technology – especially within vertical market applications.
The conference, auspiced by the European Commission, is regarded as one of the world’s premier events to showcase cutting edge research and developments in communications and networking technologies.
Dominated by 5G, and the work taking place within various European Commission-funded 5G projects, teams from 5TONIC and its member organisations – including Telefonica, UC3M, IMDEA Networks and Ericsson – were able to showcase examples of real progress being made within the Madrid lab across many different projects.
Demonstrations in 5G EVE stand in the EuCNC Hall area
Among the six demonstrations presented by 5TONIC, its member organisations and collaborators, one showed the operation of Autonomously Guided Vehicles (AGVs), from ASTI Mobile Robotics, in the 5TONIC laboratory in Madrid being controlled from a Multiaccess-edge computing based virtual PLC (programmable logic controller), streamed live to the 5G EVE booth in Valencia. The demo also included real time processing of video captured with a camera deployed at one of the AGVs, as well as a dashboard with the main KPIs of the demo. Other demonstrations presented by the lab, were examples of cloud or mobile edge computing, robotics, automation and analytics across 5G architectures.
Representatives of several of the projects the laboratory is involved (such as 5G-TRANSFORMER, 5G-EVE, 5G-VINNI, 5GROWTH, 5GINFIRE, METROHAUL, and CIVIQ) presented at a number of workshops and general sessions, addressing matters ranging from E2E network service orchestration to quantum networks, and including advanced optical networking and AI application scenarios. Being involved in all these projects allows the validation of different components for future 5G infrastructures, while enables the understanding and empowering verticals industries use of 5G. The use of 5G end-to-end platforms and field-trial-based approach are the basis to set the ground for the value-added creation for industries and societies.
Furthermore, 5TONIC VP Arturo Azcorra took part in a plenary panel as part of the keynotes of the conference. “This is a very important event to showcase European technology and advances,” said Azcorra. “This year, 5TONIC played a very prominent role in the event, and advanced its status as one of Europe’s premier 5G test and development centres. The work taking place in our Madrid co-creation laboratory is at the forefront of 5G technology development and we were able to demonstrate our success and achievements at EUCNC.”
“5TONIC is being instrumental in the early validation and tuning of 5G enablers, and is becoming the focal point for driving next generation network technologies through successive evolutionary leaps. Telefónica leverages 5TONIC as a key resource for open innovation in 5G, pushing for technology evolution and exploring differential services to our customers,” said Javier Gavilán, Planning and Technology Director at Telefonica, Global CTIO.
5TONIC Vice-president Arturo Azcorra, during his keynote at EuCNC 2019
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