Month: November 2019

Arturo Azcorra talks about the challenges of 5G technology with the Spanish newspaper 'El País'

“No technology is irreproachable and 5G is like any other tool: it allows you to do many things as long...

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5TONIC laboratory presents, together with SAMUR-PC and the UC3M, a revolutionary system for health emergencies based on 5G

5TONIC, the open research and innovation laboratory on 5G technologies, founded by Telefónica and IMDEA Networks, has presented, together with...

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MINTS: The potential of mmWave technology

Millimeter-wave Networking and Sensing for Beyond 5G, with Joerg Widmer as Principal Investigator, is the base of this project funded...

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Measuring online behavioural advertising: one more step to protect users

When we search for information on the Internet, buy online or use social networks we often see ads relating to...

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“In research you're continuously having fun because you're always challenged”

The researcher and professor Antonio Fernández Anta has received November the 5th the ARITMEL Award, one of the four National...

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