Award Category: Researcher

Excellence Award 2018 – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (10th edition). Modality: Alumni

José A. Ruipérez-Valiente (May 2018)

Excellence Award 2018, Modality: Alumni, Category: candidates who have graduated less than 5 years ago from University Carlos III of Madrid
Prize awarded by the Social Council of University Carlos III of Madrid. The prize is sponsored by the said Council, Banco Santander and the Airbus Group.
16 May 2018.

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2018 Research Awards – Spanish Computer Science Association (SCIE) – BBVA Foundation

José A. Ruipérez-Valiente (May 2018)

"Premios de Investigación Sociedad Científica Informática de España (SCIE) – Fundación BBVA 2018".
Category: Young computing researchers.
Prize awarded for contributions to artificial intelligence in online learning.
7 May 2018.

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Mercator Fellowship - Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Joerg Widmer (July 2017)

Funding awarded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG), Bonn, Germany.

A Mercator Fellowship enables an intensive and long-term technical interchange between employees of the hosting German university and high-profile scientists from Germany and abroad. It grants the recipient the opportunity to enlarge and broaden his international research network and gain additional competences to perform his research work.

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Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award University Carlos III of Madrid – Academic year 2016/2017 | Ph.D. Program in Mathematical Engineering

Evgenia Christoforou (May 2017)

Achieving Reliability and Fairness in Online Task Computing Environments [PDF Documento PDF en una nueva ventana]
Phd thesis, Department of Mathematics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Antonio Fernández Anta, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain
Angel Sánchez, Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

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2017 Excellence Award – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (9th edition). Modality: Young Research Staff

Albert Banchs (May 2017)

“Premio de excelencia 2017 – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (9ª edición), modalidad: Joven personal investigador”.
Prize awarded by the Social Council of University Carlos III of Madrid.
The prize is sponsored by the said Council and Banco Santander.
16 May 2017

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Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award University Carlos III of Madrid – Academic year 2015/2016 | Ph.D. Program in Telematic Engineering

Arash Asadi (March 2016)

Opportunistic Device-To-Device Communication In Cellular Networks: From Theory To Practice [PDF Download PDF in new window]
Phd thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Vincenzo Mancuso, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain


Pablo Salvador (April 2016)

Efficient voice and video traffic delivery in IEEE 802.11 WLANs: design, implementation and experimental evaluation [PDF Download PDF in new window]
Phd thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Pablo Serrano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain


M. Isabel Sanchez (March 2016)

Analysis, Design and Experimental Evaluation of Connectivity Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Environments [PDF Download PDF in new window]
Phd thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Antonio De la Oliva, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain


Qing Wang (May 2016)

Visible Light and Device-to-Device Communications: System Analysis and Implementation [PDF Download PDF in new window]
Phd thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Domenico Giustiniano, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain


The prizes were awarded on December 2016.

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Honorable Mention at Data Science Awards Spain 2016

Héctor Cordobés de la Calle 

Research engineer at IMDEA Networks Institute receives an Honorable Mention at the Data Science Awards Spain 2016 in the category of Best Data Scientist in Data Engineering. He is one of over 300 data scientists to have participated in the first Big Data awards in Spain to acknowledge the best initiatives in the area of Big Data by individuals, companies and data journalism.
Big Data Week, Madrid, Spain, 24 October 2016.

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ACM SIGCOMM 2016 Travel Grant

Adrian Loch

Adrian Loch, a Post-Doc Researcher at IMDEA Networks working in the Wireless Networking Group led by Joerg Widmer, receives a Travel Grant to attend a top tier 1 event in the area of data communication: the 2016 edition of the ACM SIGCOMM conference. This is the flagship annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication.
Florianópolis, Brazil, 22-26 August 2016.

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Best PhD Dissertation Award from TU Darmstadt

Adrian Loch

Adrian Loch, a Post-Doc Researcher at IMDEA Networks working in the Wireless Networking Group led by Joerg Widmer, has received the Best Dissertation Award for a doctoral thesis within the Computer Science Department at the Technical University of Darmstadt, in Germany. The award is given in recognition of his outstanding academic achievement in the area of Computer Science.
Darmstadt, Germany, May 2016.

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Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Joerg Widmer

Granted in recognition of Dr. Widmer’s achievements in the field of wireless networking.
The Humboldt Foundation grants about 20 such Awards annually to internationally renowned academics in all academic fields, who work outside of Germany, in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments in research to date and their exceptional potential for the future.
Bonn, Germany, April 2016.

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