Category: Press release

Key to post-stroke survival: data and algorithms to improve the quality of life of stroke victims

According to the study ‘The impact of stroke in Europe’, by King’s College for the European Stroke Alliance, between 2015...

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Enabling 6G: from low-power technologies for communication to machine learning analytics for privacy preservation

IMDEA Networks has recently been awarded the coordinated project ENABLE-6G of the national call UNICO 5G. The project consists of...

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The AEPD awards its third consecutive data protection prize to IMDEA Networks researchers

The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has awarded on January 28, for the third consecutive time, the “Emilio Aced Research...

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A new digital gap in internet usage between rich and poor people has been detected

Social networks are used more often in poor neighbourhoods than in affluent neighbourhoods, while the latter tend to consume more...

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Narseo Vallina-Rodríguez and Guillermo Suárez-Tangil, awarded Ramón y Cajal research grants

IMDEA Networks researchers Narseo Vallina-Rodríguez, Research Associate Professor, and Guillermo Suárez-Tangil, Research Assistant Professor, have been awarded Ramón y Cajal...

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A study involving IMDEA Networks detects cheating in video games

Cheats in video games occur frequently. However, in recent times the techniques for creating them have been perfected, acting in...

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Arturo Azcorra has been elevated to IEEE Fellow in the category of "Technical Leader"

Arturo Azcorra, founding director of IMDEA Networks and professor in the Department of Telematics Engineering at the University Carlos III...

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Protecting the Spectrum Users with Internet of Things

Led by IMDEA Networks Institute (a networking research organization based in Leganés, Madrid, Spain), the SOCRATES project concluded successfully at...

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Innovation to prevent wildfires: IMDEA Networks at Science and Innovation Week

IMDEA Networks has once again participated in the Madrid Science and Innovation Week, an event of scientific dissemination and citizen...

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Wireless communication devices without batteries? Research and sustainability, united through light

A team of researchers, led by Domenico Giustiniano, Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, has presented important advances...

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