Archives: Awards

Best-in-Session Presentation Award


Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Konstantinos Samdanis, Xavier Costa-Perez, Dario Bega, Marco Gramaglia, Albert Banchs (May 2017)

Mobile Traffic Forecasting for Maximizing 5G Network resource Utilization (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 36th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2017), 1-4 May 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA

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Best-in-Session Presentation Award


Marco Gramaglia, Marco Fiore, Alberto Tarable, Albert Banchs (May 2017)

Preserving Mobile Subscriber Privacy in Open Datasets of Spatiotemporal Trajectories (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 36th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2017), 1-4 May 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA

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Best-in-Session Presentation Award


Dario Bega, Marco Gramaglia, Albert Banchs, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Konstantinos Samdanis, Xavier Costa-Perez (May 2017)

Optimising 5G Infrastructure Markets: The Business of Network Slicing (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 36th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2017), 1-4 May 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA

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"Best Reading Topics on Device-to-Device Communications"

In January 2017, IEEE COMSOC published a list of BEST READINGS TOPICS ON DEVICE-TO-DEVICE COMMUNICATIONS. The list covers works published over the last 10 years.  A testimony to the international acknowledgment of the impact and the quality of research carried out in IMDEA Networks in recent years is the inclusion of the following articles published by our scientists:

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Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award University Carlos III of Madrid – Academic year 2015/2016 | Ph.D. Program in Telematic Engineering

Arash Asadi (March 2016)

Opportunistic Device-To-Device Communication In Cellular Networks: From Theory To Practice [PDF Download PDF in new window]
Phd thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Vincenzo Mancuso, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain


Pablo Salvador (April 2016)

Efficient voice and video traffic delivery in IEEE 802.11 WLANs: design, implementation and experimental evaluation [PDF Download PDF in new window]
Phd thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Pablo Serrano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain


M. Isabel Sanchez (March 2016)

Analysis, Design and Experimental Evaluation of Connectivity Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Environments [PDF Download PDF in new window]
Phd thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Antonio De la Oliva, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain


Qing Wang (May 2016)

Visible Light and Device-to-Device Communications: System Analysis and Implementation [PDF Download PDF in new window]
Phd thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Domenico Giustiniano, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain


The prizes were awarded on December 2016.

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IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize - ANRP 2017

P. Richter, F. Wohlfart, N. Vallina-Rodriguez, M. Allman, R. Bush, A. Feldmann, C. Kreibich, N. Weaver, V. Paxson

Philipp Richter (Technische Universität Berlin) was awarded a 2017 IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) for a scientific study authored in collaboration with an international research team of 9 including Dr. Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, a Research Assistant Professor at IMDEA Networks:

A Multi-perspective Analysis of Carrier-Grade NAT Deployment
Prize awarded by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF)
This paper was published in the proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2016 (ACM IMC 2016), 14-16 November 2016, Santa Monica, California, USA. Pages 215-229
December 2016

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Runner up to the Best Paper Award


Qing Wang, Marco Zuniga, Domenico Giustiniano (December 2016)

Passive Communication with Ambient Light (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 12th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT 2016), 12-15 December 2016, Irvine, California, USA

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1st Prize at the Accenture Digital Connected Hackathon 2016 Madrid

Héctor Cordobés de la Calle & Luis Felipe Chiroque

Organized by Accenture Digital, Google Cloud, Adobe and Expo 2020 Dubai UAE
Madrid, Spain, 26-27 November 2016

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Award to the Best Solution Approach (Premio al Mejor Enfoque de Solución), Artificial Intelligence Hackathon 2016

Héctor Cordobés de la Calle & Luis Felipe Chiroque

Organized by Accenture Digital, Google Cloud and the Madrid City Council (Ayuntamiento de Madrid)
Madrid, Spain, 4-5 November 2016.

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Honorable Mention at Data Science Awards Spain 2016

Héctor Cordobés de la Calle 

Research engineer at IMDEA Networks Institute receives an Honorable Mention at the Data Science Awards Spain 2016 in the category of Best Data Scientist in Data Engineering. He is one of over 300 data scientists to have participated in the first Big Data awards in Spain to acknowledge the best initiatives in the area of Big Data by individuals, companies and data journalism.
Big Data Week, Madrid, Spain, 24 October 2016.

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