AEIT’s 2018 Award for Innovation was granted to IMDEA Networks in recognition of the Institute’s work in the telecommunications sector and for its successes in the field of telematics.
II Noche de las Telecomunicaciones de Madrid, Palacio de las Alhajas, Madrid, Spain
30 May 2018
Read more arrow_right_altJosé A. Ruipérez-Valiente (May 2018)
Excellence Award 2018, Modality: Alumni, Category: candidates who have graduated less than 5 years ago from University Carlos III of Madrid
Prize awarded by the Social Council of University Carlos III of Madrid. The prize is sponsored by the said Council, Banco Santander and the Airbus Group.
16 May 2018.
José A. Ruipérez-Valiente (May 2018)
"Premios de Investigación Sociedad Científica Informática de España (SCIE) – Fundación BBVA 2018".
Category: Young computing researchers.
Prize awarded for contributions to artificial intelligence in online learning.
7 May 2018.
Paolo Castagno, Vincenzo Mancuso, Matteo Sereno, Marco Ajmone Marsan (April 2018)
A Simple Model of MTC in Smart Factories [PDF ]
In: The 37th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2018), 15-19 April 2018, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Joan Palacios, Guillermo Bielsa, Paolo Casari, Joerg Widmer (April 2018)
Communication-Driven Localization and Mapping for Millimeter Wave Networks [PDF ]
In: The 37th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2018), 15-19 April 2018, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Elizaveta Dubrovinskaya, Roee Diamant, Paolo Casari (October 2017)
Anchorless Underwater Acoustic Localization (Paper) [PDF ]
In: IEEE 14th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications (WPNC 2017), 25-26 October 2017, Bremen, Germany
Gaetano Manzo, Marco Ajmone Marsan, Gianluca Rizzo (September 2017)
Performance Modeling of Vehicular Floating Content in Urban Settings (Paper) [PDF ]
In: The 29th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 29), 4-8 September 2017, Genoa, Italy
Joerg Widmer (July 2017)
Funding awarded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG), Bonn, Germany.
A Mercator Fellowship enables an intensive and long-term technical interchange between employees of the hosting German university and high-profile scientists from Germany and abroad. It grants the recipient the opportunity to enlarge and broaden his international research network and gain additional competences to perform his research work.
Read more arrow_right_altEvgenia Christoforou (May 2017)
Achieving Reliability and Fairness in Online Task Computing Environments [PDF ]
Phd thesis, Department of Mathematics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Antonio Fernández Anta, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain
Angel Sánchez, Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Albert Banchs (May 2017)
“Premio de excelencia 2017 – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (9ª edición), modalidad: Joven personal investigador”.
Prize awarded by the Social Council of University Carlos III of Madrid.
The prize is sponsored by the said Council and Banco Santander.
16 May 2017
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