Archives: Awards

Outstanding Prize to the Best Academic Record in the 2013/14 Edition of the Interuniversitary Master in Telematic Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Luca Cominardi (September 2014)

Distributed Mobility Management for a Flat Architecture in 5G Mobile Networks: Solutions, Analysis and Experimental Validation [PDF Download PDF in new window]
Phd thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Carlos Jesús Bernardos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain


Master’s thesis defended on September 29th, 2014, in Madrid, Spain.

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PhD Student under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Fernández Anta selected to participate in 2nd Heidelberg Laurate Forum

Evgenia Christoforou

200 young researchers from 60 countries were selected to meet leading researchers in mathematics and computer science for a week of scientific exchange and interdisplicinary dialogue across generations and beyond cultural barriers. This event featured a total of 25 Abel, Turing, Fields and Nevanlinna Laureates, winners of the highest distinctions in mathematics and computer science. The 2nd Heildelberg Laurate Forum took place in Heidelberg, Germany, 21-26 September 2014.

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CROWD selected “early 5G precursor project” by European Commission

CROWD*, a research project in the strategic domain of future communication and ICT services infrastructures, was selected  by the European Commission in 2014 to join the group of "early 5G precursor projects". As such, it will contribute to the early showcasing of potential technologies for the future ubiquitous, ultra-high bandwidth “5G” infrastructure.

*Connectivity management for eneRgy Optimised Wireless Dense networks

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Runner up to the Best Paper Award


Sim Gek Hong, Joerg Widmer, Balaji Rengarajan (June 2014)

Opportunistic Beamforming for Finite Horizon Multicast (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 15th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM 2014), 16-19 June 2014, Sydney, Australia

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Best Paper Award


Adrian Loch, Thomas Nitsche, Alexander Kuehne, Matthias Hollick, Joerg Widmer, Anja Klein (June 2014)

Practical Interference Alignment in the Frequency Domain for OFDM-based Wireless Access Networks (Paper) [PDF Download PDF in new window]
In: The 15th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM 2014), 16-19 June 2014, Sydney, Australia

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2014 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed (non-government sponsored) Students Abroad

Qing Wang 

PhD Student under the supervision of Dr. Domenico Giustiniano awarded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC). The award is set up to honor overseas Chinese students pursuing a PhD with outstanding academic accomplishment across all academic disciplines.

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IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize - ANRP 2013

Stefano Vissicchio, Laurent Vanbever, Cristel Pelsser, Luca Cittadini, Pierre Francois, Olivier Bonaventure

Improving Network Agility With Seamless BGP Reconfigurations
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 21 (3) pp. 990-1002. ISSN 1063-6692

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iJOIN granted a Runner-up Award to the Best European Cooperative R&D Project 2013 in the Ninth madri+d Awards

iJOIN (Interworking and JOINt Design of an Open Access and Backhaul Network Architecture for Small Cells based on Cloud Networks) is a project involving 12 partners, headed by Dr. Albert Banchs Roca, Deputy Director of IMDEA Networks Institute.

iJOIN focuses on “small cell" technology, which is of key importance for taking advantage of limited and strategic resources, such as the radio wave spectrum. This project positions the Madrid Region at the forefront of scientific leadership in a highly innovative sector.

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2013 Excellence Award – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (5th edition). Modality: Young Research Staff

Albert Banchs

Premio de excelencia 2013 – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (5ª edición), modalidad: Joven personal investigador”.
Prize awarded by the Social Council of University Carlos III of Madrid. The prize is sponsored by the said Council and Banco Santander.
8 May 2013.

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Outstanding Masters Thesis Award Universidad Carlos III de Madrid -Academic year 2011/2012

Arash Asadi (October 2012)

Opportunistic cellular communications with clusters of dual-radio mobiles [PDF Download PDF in new window]
Masters thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Vincenzo Mancuso, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain


Premio Extraordinario de Máster Oficial Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – Curso 2011/2012. Programa de Máster Interuniversitario en Ingeniería Telemática’.
Masters thesis defended on October 3rd, 2012, in Madrid, Spain. The prize was awarded on December 18th, 2012.

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