Joerg Widmer
Granted in recognition of Dr. Widmer’s achievements in the field of wireless networking.
The Humboldt Foundation grants about 20 such Awards annually to internationally renowned academics in all academic fields, who work outside of Germany, in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments in research to date and their exceptional potential for the future.
Bonn, Germany, April 2016.
Qing Wang
The 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2016) (CPSWeek).
Vienna, Austria, 11-14 April 2016.
José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, Giora Alexandron, Zhongzhou Chen, David E. Pritchard (April 2016)
Using Multiple Accounts for Harvesting Solutions in MOOCs (Paper) [PDF ]
In: The 3rd ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale (L@S 2016), 25-26 April 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Domenico Giustiniano
Video: ‘Finding Linda - A Search and Rescue Mission by SWARMIX, SWARMIX project team’
The 10th AAAI Video Competition 2016, 12-17 February 2016, Phoenix, USA
Luis F Chiroque
Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 13-18 December 2015.
Read more arrow_right_altVincenzo Sciancalepore (November 2015)
Enhancements in spectrum management techniques for heterogeneous 5G future networks [PDF ]
Phd thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Albert Banchs, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
GTTI is the National Telecommunications and Information Theory Group in Italy.
PhD thesis defended on November 26th 2015, in Madrid, Spain. The prize was awarded on June 15th 2016, in Geneva, Italy.
José A. Ruipérez-Valiente (October 2013)
Design and Implementation of a Learning Analytics Module for the Khan Academy Platform [PDF ]
Masters thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Muñoz-Merino Pedro J., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
IEEE Educational Spanish Chapter Award to the best final degree project or master thesis related to technological applications in education in the area of IEEE (16 November 2015).
Read more arrow_right_altAwardee/s:
Christian Vitale, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Arash Asadi, Vincenzo Mancuso (November 2015)
Two-level Opportunistic Spectrum Management for Green 5G Radio Access Networks (Paper) [PDF ]
In: The 5th IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications (OnlineGreenCom 2015), 10-12 November 2015, Virtual Conference
José A. Ruipérez-Valiente (October 2013)
Design and Implementation of a Learning Analytics Module for the Khan Academy Platform [PDF ]
Masters thesis, Department of Telematics Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Muñoz-Merino Pedro J., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Accenture Award to the best final degree project or master thesis on “Digital new services, applications and business models”, awarded by the Spanish Official College of Telecommunication Engineers (COIT) and the Spanish Association of Telecommunication Engineers (AEIT).
16 Octubre 2015.
Read more arrow_right_altAwardee/s:
Héctor J. Pijeira Díaz, Javier Santofimia Ruiz, José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino, Carlos Delgado Kloos (September 2015)
Using Video Visualizations in Open edX to Understand Learning Interactions of Students (Demo) [PDF ]
In: The 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2015), 15-18 September 2015, Toledo, Spain
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