Arturo Azcorra explains the characteristics of 5G technology on this interview for La Nación newspaper

“5G technology is a great enhancer of the Internet of Things”

30 September 2019

Arturo Azcorra, Director of IMDEA Networks Institute and Full Professor at University Carlos III of Madrid, is interviewed by the Costa Rican newspaper La Nación on the topic of 5G communications.

During his visit to Costa Rica, where he conducted the workshop “What is 5G and why is disruptive?” at Fidélitas University, Dr. Azcorra gave an interview for the Technology section of La Nación newspaper. He explains the goal of 5G technology of redesigning mobile communications, becoming an important landmark in the current technological environment. Beside the traditional usages, the 5G networks focus mainly on giving support to objects, reducing latency for mission critical applications and providing massive machine communication in areas like Health, Manufacturing, Energy, Transportation, Security, etc., fostering the Internet of Things.

Source(s): Periódico La Nación
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