Adrian Loch receives ACM SIGCOMM 2016 travel grant

12 August 2016

Adrian Loch, a Post-Doc Researcher at IMDEA Networks working in the Wireless Networking Group led by Joerg Widmer, has received a Travel Grant to attend the 2016 edition of the ACM SIGCOMM conference to be held in Florianópolis, Brazil, from August 22nd to the 26th, 2016.

SIGCOMM is the flagship annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication. This top tier 1 event in the field brings together up to 700 scientists to explore all topics in data communication, focusing primarily on wired network architectures, datacenters, Sofware Defined Networks (SDN), and network management.

SIGCOMM travel grants are provided to ensure attendance by early stage researchers who have evidenced a serious interest in networking, as demonstrated by coursework and/or project experience, and who wish to benefit from and contribute to the conference but cannot attend otherwise due to budget or other constraints.

Adrian Loch’s current research focusses mainly on wireless networks. But wireless networks cannot be approached without recourse to their ‘counterpart’, as in the end they continuously interact with wired networks such as the Internet. What is more, as wireless communications become faster, the impact of the wired analogue becomes stronger. Sigcomm is the top venue for state-of-the-art research in wired networks. The opportunity to attend the conference will therefore allow Loch to expand his knowledge beyond the focus of his recently obtained PhD, and gain an invaluable view of the big picture of networked communications, one composed of wired and wireless networks working together to bring connectivity to all.

Source(s): IMDEA Networks Institute
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