Events agenda

12 Feb

On Security and Quality of Service in Multihop Wireless Networks

Dr. Matthias Hollick
On Security and Quality of Service in Multihop Wireless Networks Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Wireless Mesh Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks have attracted remarkable attention in the research community in recent years. Fashioned from whatever devices are immediately available, the self-organizing nature of these networks promises spontaneous, untethered communication in absence of infrastructure, or the organic growth of wireless meshed networks. However, the fact that ad hoc and mesh networks are not yetdeployed at large indicates that they are not ready for prime time. This talk discusses selected issues in the area of quality of service and security for multihop wireless networks. We start with an overview on the work carried out at the Mobile Networking & Ubiquitous Communications group at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany.
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9 Feb

Technique for Indoor Position Location of Wireless LAN Clients

Dr. James Aweya
If you would like more information about James Aweya, please visit his homepage.
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3 Feb

Peer-to-peer distribution of multimedia services in IMS-based telco environments

Alex Bikfalvi, Research Assistant, IMDEA Networks
More information about Alex Bikfalvi
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12 Dec

The 4th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT 2008)

ACM CoNEXT 2008 is a major forum for future networking technologies. Previous CoNEXT Conferences have successfully encouraged original, long-term studies and contributed to the integration of networking research on an international level. The 4th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT 2008), will be hosted by the University Carlos III of Madrid. The conference will be a major forum for presentations and discussions of novel networking technologies, which are set to shape the future of Internetworking. We strive to open informative and stimulating debates between distinct international research communities. The conference is single-track and will feature a high-quality technical program, with significant opportunities for individual and small-group technical and social interactions. The main conference will also be preceded by three one-day workshops.
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8 Dec

Trilogy Project

Assistant: Attendance restricted to project members only. More information about Trilogy Project
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5 Dec

Delay Tolerant Bulk Data Transfers on the Internet or how to book some terabytes on "red-eye" bandwidth

Dr. Nikolaos Laoutaris, Telefonica I+D Research (Barcelona, Spain)
Many emerging scientific and industrial applications require transferring multiple terabytes of data on a daily basis. Examples include pushing scientific datasets from particle accelerators/colliders to laboratories around the world, synchronizing data centers in different continents, and replicating collections of high definition videos from Olympic Games, taking Location on a different time-zone. A convenient property of all above applications is their ability to tolerate delivery delays from a few hours to a few days. Such Delay-Tolerant Bulk (DTB) transfers are currently being serviced through the postal system using hard drives and DVDs, or through expensive dedicated networks.
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1 Dec

What do opportunism, data mining and coordination have to do with system-level optimization of wireless networks?

Prof. Dr. Gustavo de Veciana, Visiting Researcher, IMDEA Networks (Madrid, Spain); Temple Foundation Centennial Fellow Wireless Networking and Communications Group Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (USA)
We present a system-level framework to mitigate interference using coarse grained coordination of transmissions across base stations. Our approach is based on collecting and mining measured data capturing a user population's diversity in sensitivity to interference. The talk introduces the abstractions and optimization framework we have devised to enable this type of coordination. The talk is in two parts addressing what we deem to be key areas of inquiry.
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19 Nov

IMDEA Networks and The Future Wireless Internet, Semana de la Ciencia 2008

Prof. Dr. José Félix Kukielka, Senior Researcher IMDEA Networks; Prof. Dr. Nicolas Georganas, Visiting Researcher IMDEA Networks; Prof. Dr. Gustavo de Veciana, Visiting Researcher IMDEA Networks; Mr. Michal Kryczka, Research Assistant IMDEA Networks
Download the Programme of activities organized by IMDEA Networks in collaboration with the Higher Polytechnic School of University Carlos III of Madrid in  English (; 95 KB) & Spanish (; 38 KB). Michal Kryczka’s presentation (; 867 KB) Download Póster: Semana de la Ciencia (; 2,4 MB)
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11 Nov

IMDEA Networks Board of Trustees

Meeting: IMDEA Networks Board of Trustees Please note: Attendance restricted to members only The meeting will be conducted in English
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10 Nov

IMDEA Networks Scientific Council

Attendance restricted to members only The meeting will be conducted in English
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