Research projects

Generating new knowledge and ideas and providing technology transfer to help turn them new products and services is crucial to maintain and enhance the competitiveness of industry and the EU as a whole. For this complex process it is important that researchers and industry work closely together and maximize the social and economic benefits of new ideas.

National and international research projects help improve the knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry. With those objectives in mind, IMDEA Networks participates in multiple research projects. Below is a list of the ones active at the moment.


NR Computer Software Program Usage License Agreement

IMDEA Networks participates in the project through a contract with TU Darmstadt


saFe learNIng for lArge scaLe InTerconnected sYstems

IMDEA Networks is beneficiary of this project


Embedded AI Systems and Applications

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Development and integration of sensors and communications for advanced services in 6G

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Technologies for sensing and communication in 6G networks

IMDEA Networks is the project coordinator


Joint Communication and Sensing in 6G Networks

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Non-Terrestrial Communications and Sensing

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


A platform for Assessing and Bridging Generative AI and Human Skills in Secondary Education

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Training Cybersecurity Skills through Advanced Higher Education Joint Programmes

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Methods and techniques to characterize supply chain threats in software

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Secure Unmanned Aerial Optical Systems

IMDEA Networks participates in the project through a contract with Technology Innovation Institute


Advancing 6G-RAN through multi-technology, multi-sensor fusion, multi-band and multi-static perception

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Optimized resource integration and global architecture for mobile infrastructure for 6G

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Distributed Reliable Objects for Networked Applications Coordination

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


6G location and sensing-based analytics

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Time-resilient mobile network traffic forecasting in 6G

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Connectivity. Enabling Next Generation NAV COM Hybrid Terminal

IMDEA Networks is beneficiary of this project


Traffic Collection, Contextual Analysis, Data-driven Optimization for 5G

IMDEA Networks Institute participates as partner without assigned budget


Quantum Communication in the Autonomous Region of Madrid

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Grant to increase the participation of IMDEA Networks in Horizon Europe

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


IMDEA Network’s plan for attracting talent and promoting degrees related to telecommunications, at national and international level

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Data Process & Technological Bricks for expanding digital value creation in European Data Spaces

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Explainable and robust AI for integration in next generation networked systems

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Scientific Infrastructure of Computing and Communications for Advanced Experimentation in 6G Networks

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Scientific infrastructure for technical testing on B5G and 6G networks

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Intelligent Networks for Enhanced 6G Services

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Cloud and Edge Machine Learning

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces and Low-power Technologies for Communication and Sensing in 6G Mobile Networks 

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Machine Learning-based Privacy Preserving Analytics for 6G Mobile Networks

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Talent Attraction grant - One-year Extension

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project


Large-scale scientific infrastructure for experimental studies in computing/communication

IMDEA Networks is the beneficiary of this project

Research Projects

IMDEA Networks Institute receives funding to develop its research activities from varied sources. There are two main categories of external funding:

Funding of individual researchers

Individual researchers receive funding in the form of grants, scholarships and fellowships from international, national or regional funds. At present several of our researchers are proud awardees of ERC Grants, MARIE CURIE Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) for Career Development, MARIE CURIE Amarout Europe Programme Fellowships, “Ramón y Cajal” grants, FPU scholarships and I3 subventions.

Externally-funded research projects, attracting European Union, National or Regional funds

Externally-funded research projects enable us to collaborate with researchers from other organizations and backgrounds. Research funding is awarded following an open competitive selection process in which project proposals, and the private or public sector organizations presenting them, are subject to rigorous scrutiny. Such thoroughness helps to ensure that research undertaken with those funds is relevant, well-managed and with high probabilities of success in achieving its stated goals.

European Union (EU)-funded Research Projects provide the Institute with excellent opportunities to collaborate with leading players in the international arena. Such projects are awarded through an open tendering system in which project consortia, composed of players from public and private sectors, collaborate to prepare and submit competitive research proposals in response to a specific EU call. The awarding of the research grant is a decision based on the funding organisation’s assessment of the proposals’ relative probabilities of success in achieving the stated goals.

IMDEA Networks seeks partnerships with leading companies, research institutes, Universities and technology centres that wish to form consortia for collaboration on such projects.

National and Regional Research are similar to European-funded research projects in their openness and the tendering processes used.

Part of these research projects and personnel grants are financed through the European funds “Next Generation EU” and the National Plan for Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience. You can access more information on this link.

Commissioned research projects

These are the projects in which the Institute is contracted by a company or organisation to conduct exclusive research on its behalf.