Events agenda

10 Nov

Technology Transfer Symposium Institute IMDEA Networks – AETIC – UC3M

Event program: 09:00 – 09:30 Welcome and registration 09:30 – 09:50 Opening of the Symposium D. Arturo Azcorra, Director General, CDTI D. Francisco Marín, President of Area of Activities for Technological Innovation, AETIC D. Albert Banchs, Deputy Director, Institute IMDEA Networks D. Carlos Balaguer, Vice-Rector of Research, UC3M 09:50 – 10:15 Presentations Presentation of Institute IMDEA Networks, D. Albert Banchs (  Download presentation 2006 Kb ) Presentation of the departament for I+D+i of AETIC, D. Juan Gascón, Director for Digital Content & R&D, AETIC (  Download presentation 2256 Kb ) 10:15 – 11:00 Energy Efficiency Energy-efficient Networking at Institute IMDEA Networks D. Antonio Fernández Anta, Senior Researcher, Institute IMDEA Networks (  Download presentation 160 Kb ) TELVENT Energía D. Francisco Romero, Director for Business Development (  Download presentation 1.757 Kb ) INDRA Dña. Marta Arias, General Manager for Energy Efficiency (  Download presentation 538 Kb )
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2 Nov

Routing and Scheduling for Power and Delay Minimization in the Powerdown Mode

Dr. Antonio Fernández Anta, Senior Researcher at Institute IMDEA Networks
Energy conservation is drawing increasing attention in data networking. One school of thought believes that a dominant amount of energy saving comes from turning off network elements. The difficulty is that transitioning between the active and sleeping modes consumes considerable energy and time. This results in an obvious trade-off between saving energy and provisioning performance guarantees such as end-to-end delays.
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19 Oct

On Economic Heavy Hitters: Shapley value analysis of 95th percentile pricing

Dr. Rade Stanojevic, Staff Researcher at Institute IMDEA Networks
Rade Stanojevic obtained his B.Sc. in Mathematics from University of Nis, Serbia and a Ph.D. from Hamilton Institute, NUIM, Ireland. His current research interests span performance evaluation, network economics and energy aware computing. His work on decentralized cloud control has been awarded the ACM SIGMETRICS 2008 Kenneth C. Sevcik Outstanding Student Paper Award and the IEEE IWQoS 2009 Best Paper Award. Since fall 2010 he is a staff researcher in the IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid. Prior to that he was a post-doc with Telefonica Research, Barcelona.
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24 Sep

WHY I AM A SCIENTIST - Researchers' Night, Madrid 2010 - Creativity for progress in Europe

In the context of "Researchers' Night, Madrid 2010 – Creativity for progress in Europe", the IMDEA initiative will take part in the “Why I am a scientist” event, through the participation of directors from each one of the eight member institutes. Why I am a scientist Organiser: Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA) Hour: From 18:00 p.m to 19:30 p.m
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20 Sep

Presentation of research lines

Dr. Kenichi Mase, "Mesh networks"; Dr. Toshinori Tsuboi, "TPC scheme for ad hoc networks"; Dr. Hiromi Ueda, "Optical burst receiver for optical switched access network"
Dr. Kenichi Mase, Dr. Toshini Tsuboi and Dr. Hiromi Ueda will visit Institute IMDEA Networkson Monday September 20th and will take the opportunity to present their research lines. The overall talk will last about 45 minutes, including questions and answers, and it will be divided in the following three 15 minute slots:
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7 Jul

Routers and Networks with Near-Zero Buffers

Dr. Vijay Sivaraman, University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
It this talk I will start with a brief overview of the research activities of our group at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, in the areas of core network switching, body area networking, and security for wireless sensor networks. I will then focus on the specific problem of sizing buffers in core routers, highlighting constraints posed by power consumption and optical storage technology. We investigate the impact of router buffer size on the characteristics of TCP traffic and its co-existence with open-loop traffic. We propose and analyze the efficacy of techniques such as traffic conditioning and forward error correction in managing contention loss in the network core. Finally, we speculate on the feasibility of a future Internet core with near-zero buffers.  
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5 Jul

P2P Content Distribution

Prof. Dah Ming Chiu, Department of Information Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Multimedia content delivery is projected to be the biggest bandwidth consumer of the future Internet. For many years, the mechanism for content delivery envisioned by the networking community is network multicast. Multicasting emulates traditional TV broadcasting; it is designed to be network efficient. But it falls short in at least two aspects: (a) it does not maximize throughput for content delivery; (b) like TV broadcasting, it does not provide on-demand access (i.e. Video-on-Demand).
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1 Jul

Talk: CloudNet: Enterprise Ready Virtual Private Clouds

Dr. K. K. Ramakrishnan, AT&T Labs Research.
Cloud computing has great potential to change how enterprises run and manage their IT systems. Cloud computing platforms provide customers with flexible, on demand resources at low cost. However, while existing offerings are useful for providing basic computation and storage resources, they fail to provide the security and network controls that enterprise customers need. The CloudNet architecture provides more comprehensive control over network resources and security for users by utilizing Virtual Private Networks to securely and seamlessly link cloud and enterprise sites. CloudNet incorporates VM migration over WANs. CloudNet's capability for WAN migration transforms the scope of provisioning from a single data center to multiple data centers spread across the country or the world. This will open new opportunities for cross data center load balancing and dynamic application placement based on metrics like latency to users or energy cost. It also provides the foundation for a range of Disaster Recovery solutions. (The talk is based on joint work with Timothy Wood (UMass), Jacobus van der Merwe (AT&T Labs Research), and Prashant Shenoy (UMass) ).
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30 Jun

Has the Internet delay gotten better or worse?

Dr. Sue Moon, Daejeon University, South Korea
Delay is a key Internet performance metric and its stability, variation, and abrupt changes have been well studied. However, little could have been said about the Internet-wide delay distribution. In order to build a representative sample set for the Internet-wide delay distribution, one needs to draw data from a random selection of source hosts to destination hosts and there is no measurement system with access to every AS and subnet of the Internet. In this work we propose to apply the path-stitching algorithm to archival measurement data and reconstruct the past history of Internet delay distribution. The two main advantages of path stitching are that data from existing measurement projects is sufficient to provide accurate estimates and it produces delay estimates between almost any two hosts in the Internet.
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21 Jun

Ph.D. Thesis Defence: Dynamic and Location-Aware Server Discovery Using a Fair Distributed Hash Table

Rubén Cuevas, Adjunct Professor, University Carlos III of Madrid; Researcher, NETCOM Research Group
Next Monday Rubén Cuevas shall defend his Ph.D. Thesis entitled: “Dynamic and Location-Aware Server Discovery Using a Fair Distributed Hash Table”. His supervisor is Dr. Carmen Guerrero, Associate Professor, University Carlos III of Madrid; Researcher, NETCOM Research Group
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