Events agenda

15 Apr

VIII Feria Madrid es Ciencia

La Feria Madrid por la Ciencia (The Forum for Science) is a key part of the Programa de Ciencia y Sociedad (Science and Society Program) that the Regional Government of Madrid launched in 2000, through the Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación (Directorate-General of Universities and Research). This Program seeks not only to promote dialogue between citizens and scientists, but also to increase the public’s participation in science.
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27 Mar

Jornadas REDIMadrid 2007 – El Futuro de la Investigación en Red

The objective of these symposia is to celebrate idea-sharing sessions on the importance of the technological medium of telematic networks in general, and of the REDIMadrid network in particular, for the development of leading research activity at World level. The collaborative support on the activity of distributed research groups, GRID environments, distributed super-computers and scientific databases are examples of its application to almost any field of scientific research.
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