Events agenda

13 Jun

4th IMDEA Networks Annual International Workshop: Data

Pierre François, Institute IMDEA Networks; Zhi-Li Zhang, University of Minnesota, Institute IMDEA Networks & UC3M; Paolo Lucente, Cariden Technologies; Enrique Frias-Martinez, Telefonica I+D; Carmen Guerrero, UC3M; Robbin te Velde, Dialogic
Institute IMDEA Networks annually holds a by-invitation-only thematic workshop in Madrid. The workshop accompanies a meeting of our Scientific Council comprised by prominent researchers. In addition to talks by Scientific Council members, the workshop includes invited talks by external experts in the research theme of the workshop. The goal of the 2012 workshop is to foster discussion on a critical aspect of research in networking: data.
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1 Jun

MEDIEVAL: Project Plenary Meeting

Alcatel–Lucent Bell Labs, France, Telecom Italia S.p.a., Portugal Telecom Inovaçao, Docomo Communications Laboratories Europe, LiveU, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Consorzio
Objectives of the meeting: Review status of the internal specifications milestones, synchronization intra and inter work packages and coordination for future work.
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31 May

Optical Access Networks

Dr. Antonio Teixeira, Instituto de Telecommunicaçoes, Nokia-Siemens Networks Portugal
Give the attendees an evolutionary view on the access networks and open perspectives on the potential developments upcoming. It will always keep an eye on the standardization trends and other ecosystem parameters (as regulation, cost and timeline constrains) in order to provide the attendees the background to further perceive some of the upcoming opted solutions and dynamics
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31 May

Low cost Network Coding for Collaborative Video Streaming

Nikolaos Thomos, Senior Researcher, Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS4), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, and Computers and Distributed Systems (CDS) laboratory at University of Bern (UniBe), Switzerland
We focus on collaborative video streaming in wired overlay networks using low cost network codes. We propose a scheme that builds on both rateless codes and network coding in order to improve the system throughput and the video quality at clients. Our hybrid coding algorithm permits to efficiently exploit the available source and path diversity, without the need either for expensive routing or for scheduling algorithms.
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29 May

Stochastic Modeling with METFAC

Juan A. Carrasco, Associate Professor, Electronics Engineering Department, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
METFAC-2.1 is a software tool for stochastic modeling using Markov reward models, i.e. continuous-time Markov chains with a reward rate structure on their state space. The tool has been developed under the direction of Prof. Juan A. Carrasco and offers many state-of-the-art numerical methods as well as simulation methods.
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22 May

ErdOS: The Case for Opportunistic Social Computing

Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, PhD candidate in Computer Science, Computer Lab, University of Cambridge, UK
Mobile devices are energy-limited. Both industry and the research community proposed solutions to overcome these limitations with relative success at different levels such as hardware, operating system and even applications.
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21 May

Flow allocation with joint channel and power assignment in multihop radio networks using game theory

Jorge Ortín, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Autonomous, self-configuring multihop networks present a versatile solution to provide broadband services with infrastructure-less deployments and decentralized management. Furthermore, their intrinsic adaptability and resilience can be enhanced with cognitive radio technology, enabling the nodes of the network to adjust their transmitting parameters to the specific operational environment.
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18 May

Insights on Distributed Backup and Storage

Matteo Dell'Amico, Researcher, Eurecom, France
While a considerable amount of research has been devoted to peer-to-peer backup and storage, no such system actually became widely adopted in the wild. My take on this is that there is the opportunity to build better, and possibly more successful, systems: while some design issues (e.g., erasure coding and data indexing) have been well explored, others have been barely scratched.
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17 May

From a national leadership to the World Championship. Lessons learned from Telefónica's internationalization process

José CEA JIMENEZ, Independent Consultant, Information and Communications Technologies, Spain
This presentation intends to extract some useful hints on how to successfully manage an internationalisation process. It is focused on the specific case of a Spanish very large company: Telefónica, the leading Spanish telecommunications operator and one of the Top Ten telcos in the worldwide ranking by market cap nowadays.
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14 May

Auctions of Licensed vs Unlicensed Use of Spectrum

Alonso Silva, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Auctions have regained interest from researchers due to its different new applications (Google AdWords auctions, cloud computing auctions, privacy auctions, and white spaces spectrum auctions). In this work in particular we explore auctions for spectrum that can be allocated either to a single bidder (for licensed use) or to a collection of bidders (for unlicensed use).
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