Organizational structure

Executive Board

Our Executive Board is composed of the Director, the Deputy Director, the Research Director and the General Manager. The Executive Board is responsible for managing and overseeing the administration and scientific activities of the institute, with the powers, duties and responsibilities conferred to it by the Board of Trustees, to which it reports.

The Director is the CEO of the Institute. He is appointed by the Board of Trustees amongst scientists with a well-established international reputation in computer networking. The Director fosters and supervises the activities of IMDEA Networks Institute, and establishes the distribution and application of the available funds in accordance with the Institute's strategic goals and within the limits established by the Board of Trustees. He is aided by the Scientific Council in determining the scientific research director and associated policies. The Director is also assisted by the Deputy Director, the Research Director Manager and the General Manager.

Directive Team

Doctor Albert Banchs

Dr. Albert BANCHS

Deputy Director

Dr. Joerg WIDMER

Research Director

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of IMDEA Networks Institute is its highest organ of governance, representation and administration. In accordance with the Institute’s statutes, the Board of Trustees is composed of Ex Officio Members representing the Regional Government of Madrid and Elective Members who are recognized leaders in the scientific matters of the Institute. The Director and General Manager of the Institute also participate in the Board of Trustees.

Excmo. Sr. D. Emilio VICIANA DURO


Ex Officio Trustees

Ex Officio Trustees appointed by IMDEA Networks’ founding body:

Excmo. Sr. D. Emilio VICIANA DURO

Vice-President of the Board of Trustees

Ilma. Sra. Dña. Marina VILLEGAS GRACIA

Director General of Research and Technology Innovation


Deputy Director General of Research

Ilmo. Sr. D. Nicolás Javier CASAS

Director General of Universities

Ex Officio Trustees designated by research organizations within the Madrid public sector:


Designated by IMDEA Food
  • Innovation Expert
  • (Madrid, Spain)


Designated by IMDEA Materials
  • Head of Digital Services for Global Customer Unit (GCU)
  • Telefonica and Customer Unit (CU) Iberia
  • Digital Services Presales, Commercial Management & Delivery MELA
  • (Madrid, Spain)

Elective Trustees – Prestigious Scientists

Dr. Heinrich J. STÜTTGEN

Independent consultant

Elective Trustees – Companies


Designated representative
  • Mr. David Pablo DEL VAL LATORRE
  • Global Director Open Gateway - Telefónica
  • (Madrid, Spain)


Designated representative
  • Mr. Isaac GIL RABADÁN
  • Director of Human Resources and Processes
  • (Madrid, Spain)


Designated representative
  • Mr. Antonio GARCÍA ROMERO
  • President


Designated representative
  • Mr. Ricardo LOBO MARTÍNEZ
  • Head of R&D&I Service

Elective Trustees – Institutional Trustees: Universities

Trustees designated by the Counsellor of Education and Research of the Regional Government of Madrid at the proposal of the universities:

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Designated representative
  • Prof. Dr. Antonio José CAAMAÑO
  • Professor of Signal Theory and Communications
  • Faculty of Telecommunications Engineering
  • (Madrid, Spain)

Universidad de Alcalá

Designated representative
  • Prof. Dr. Juan Ramón VELASCO PÉREZ
  • Professor in Telematics Engineering
  • (Madrid, Spain)

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Designated representative
  • Prof. Dr. Luis Javier GARCÍA VILLALBA
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
  • Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering

Former Trustees

The information listed below corresponds to organizations, including the names and positions of their designated representatives, when they were members of our Board of Trustees. IMDEA Networks wishes to thank them for their services to the Institute:

Former Ex Officio Trustees

Ilma. Sra. Dña. Ana Isabel CREMADES (2021-2024)
Director General of Research and Innovation
Regional Government of Madrid
Department of Education and Research
(Madrid, Spain)

Ilma. Sra. Dña. Irene DELGADO SOTILLOS (2020-2021)
Ilma. Sra. Dña. Sara GÓMEZ MARTÍN (2019-2020)
Ilmo. Sr. D. José Manuel TORRALBA CASTELLÓ (2017-2019)

Director General of Universities and Higher Arts Education
Regional Government of Madrid
Department of Education and Research
(Madrid, Spain)

Ilma. Sra. Dña. María Luisa CASTAÑO MARÍN (2019-2021)
Ilmo. Sr. D. Alejandro ARRANZ CALVO (2017-2019)
Director General of Research and Innovation
Regional Government of Madrid
Department of Education and Research
(Madrid, Spain)

Excmo. Sr. D. Rafael VAN GRIEKEN SALVADOR (2015-2019)
Counsellor of Education and Research
Regional Government of Madrid
(Madrid, Spain)

Excmo. Sr. D. Eduardo SICILIA CAVANILLAS (2019-2021)
Excma. Sra. Dª. Lucía FIGAR DE LACALLE (2011 – 2015)

Excmo. Sr. D. Luis PERAL GUERRA (2006 – 2011)
Regional Government of Madrid
(Madrid, Spain)
Vice-President of the Board of Trustees

Ilmo. Sr. D. Salvador VICTORIA BOLÍVAR (2006 – 2011)
Vice Counselor of the Senior Vice Presidency and Secretary General of the Governing Council
Vice Council of the Senior Vice Presidency and Secretariat General of the Governing Council Regional Government of Madrid
Regional Government of Madrid
(Madrid, Spain)

Sr. D. Rafael A. GARCÍA MUÑOZ (2015)
Ilmo. Sr. D. Juan Ángel BOTAS ECHEVARRÍA (2012 – 2015)
Sr. D. Jorge SÁINZ GONZÁLEZ (2011 – 2012)
Deputy Director of Research
Sub-directorate General of Research
Regional Government of Madrid
Department of Education, Youth and Sports
(Madrid, Spain)

Ilmo. Sr. D. José María ROTELLAR (2008 – 2015)
Vice Counselor of the Treasury
Vice Council of the Treasury
Regional Government of Madrid
(Madrid, Spain)

Ilma. Sra. Dª. Lorena HERAS SEDANO (2014 – 2015)
Ilma. Sra. Dª. Rocío Albert LÓPEZ-IBOR (2013 – 2014)
Ilmo. Sr. D. Jon JUARISTI LINACERO (2008 – 2013)
Ilma. Sra. Dª. Clara Eugenia NÚÑEZ (2006 -2008)
Director General of Universities and Research
Regional Government of Madrid
Department of Education, Youth and Sports
(Madrid, Spain)

Former Elective Trustees – Prestigious Scientists

Prof. Dr. Mario GERLA (2015 – 2019)
Professor at the Computer Science Department
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
(Los Angeles. USA)

Dr. Huw OLIVER (2007-2018)
Former Technical Director, European Research Consortium, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
(Bristol, UK)

Prof. Dr. Hari BALAKRISHNAN (2006 – 2015)
Fujitsu Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Massachusetts, USA)

Prof. Dr. D. Jim KUROSE (2006 – 2014)
Distinguished University Professor, Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts Amherst
(Massachusetts, USA)

Former Elective Trustees – Sector Experts

Senior Consultant
Linar Advisors
(Evanston, IL, USA)

Former Elective Trustees & Designated Representatives – Companies

Nokia Bell-Labs Spain
Designated representatives
Head of Bell-Labs Spain
Madrid, Spain
Marketing and Corporate Affairs
Madrid, Spain

(Madrid, Spain)

Designated representative 
Ms. Beatriz A. LARA BARTOLOMÉ(2007 – 2011)
Director of Strategy and Innovation in Technology and Operations

(Madrid, Spain)

Designated representatives
Mr. Santiago Pedro CORTÉS MONEDERO (2006 – 2009)
Mr. José Antonio de PAZ MARTÍNEZ (2009 – 2011)
Mr. Miguel Angel TURRADO TURRADO (2006 – 2011)
Director of Strategy
Ms. Irma JIMÉNEZ GULER (2006 – 2015)
Director of Institutional Relations

Telefónica I+D
(Madrid, Spain)

Designated representatives
Mr. Fernando María FOURNÓN (2007 – 2010)
Executive President
Mr. Carlos Francisco DOMINGO SORIANO (2010 – 2014)
Chief Executive Officer

(Madrid, Spain)

Designated representatives
Mr. Carlos FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ (2011 – 2014)
Director for University Relations

Mr. Jose Luis ANGOSO GONZÁLEZ (2011 – 2015)
Director of Innovation

Former Elective Trustees & Designated Representatives – Institutional Trustees – Universities

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
(Madrid, Spain)

Designated representatives
Prof. Dr. Roberto MORIYÓN SALOMÓN (2007 – 2011)
Professor of Languages and Information Systems
Higher Polytechnic School (Escuela Politécnica Superior)
Prof. Dr. Javier ORTEGA GARCÍA (2011 – 2015)
Professor of Signal Theory and Communications
Higher Polytechnic School (Escuela Politécnica Superior)

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
(Madrid, Spain)

Designated representatives
Prof. Dr. Sebastián DORMIDO BENCOMO (2011 – 2015)
Professor of Systems and Automotion Engineering
Prof. Dra. Felisa VERDEJO MAILLO (2007 – 2011)
Director of the Department of Languages and Information Systems

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
(Madrid, Spain)

Designated representative 
Prof. Dr. Juan QUEMADA VIVES (2009 – 2011)
Professor of Telematics Engineering
Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 
(Madrid, Spain)

Designated representative 
Prof. Dr. Carlos BALAGUER BERNALDO DE QUIRÓS (2007 – 2015)
Vice rector of Research

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
(Madrid, Spain)

Designated representative
Prof. Dr. Jesús María GONZÁLEZ BARAHONA (2006 – 2022)
Associate Professor of Telematics Engineering

Designated representative 
Prof. Dr. Luis PASTOR PÉREZ (2016 – 2018)
Professor of Computer Architecture and Technology

Former Elective Trustees & Designated Representatives – Institutional Trustees – Development Agencies

IMADE – Instituto Madrileño de Desarrollo 
(Madrid, Spain)

Designated representative 
General Manager


Scientific Council

The Scientific Council is a very important organ of IMDEA Networks, advising us on all aspects of the Institute’s scientific activities. Among many other things, the Council proposes the incorporation and renewal of Scientific Expert members of the Board of Trustees; reviews and approves scientific appointments, and generally provides support to the Director – Dr. Arturo Azcorra and the Deputy Director – Dr. Albert Banchs – in determining scientific research strategy and policies.

The Institute’s Scientific Council is composed of internationally-prestigious researchers in the field of Telematics and Internet technologies. IMDEA Networks is greatly strengthened by the participation of these eminent scientists. The current members are:


Head of Implementation Components, Ericsson. Finland
  • PhD: Aalto University. Helsinki. Finland
  • Research: Signaling; Multimedia applications; Transport protocols; Network security; Networking architectures
  • Joining Date: July 2007
  • Contact:
  • URL: Personal site


Marconi Professor of Communication Systems at University of Cambridge. Cambridge. UK

Prof. Dr. Edward KNIGHTLY

Sheafor-Lindsay Professor and Department Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University. Houston. Texas. USA
  • PhD: University of California at Berkeley. Berkeley. USA.
  • Research: Wireless Networks and Protocols; Wireless Access for Developing Regions; Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
  • Joining Date: November 2010
  • Contact:
  • URL: Personal site

Prof. Dr. Jim KUROSE

Distinguished University Professor of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. MA. USA.
  • PhD: Columbia University of New York City. Nueva York. USA
  • Research: Network Protocols and Architecture; Network Measurement; Sensor Networks; Multimedia Communication; Modeling and Performance Evaluation
  • Joining date: November 2007
  • URL: Personal site


Director, CTO Office at Google. CA. USA.
  • PhD: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Lausanne. Switzerland
  • Research: Networking; Distributed Systems; Information Theory; Wireless and Mobile; Network Economics; Social Networks
  • Joining Date: November 2010
  • URL: Personal site

Prof. Dr. Ioannis STAVRAKAKIS

Full Professor & Head of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Athens. Greece
  • PhD: University of Virginia. Charlottesville. USA
  • Reseach: Resource Allocation Protocols and Traffic Management for Communication Networks, with recent emphasis on Peer-to-Peer, Mobile, Ad hoc, Autonomic and Social Networking
  • Joining Date: July 2007
  • Contact:
  • URL: Personal site

Prof. Dr. Ralf STEINMETZ

President of Board of Trustees of IMDEA Networks Institute; Full Professor & Managing Director of Multimedia Communications Lab (KOM) at Technische Universität Darmstadt. Darmstadt. Germany
  • PhD: Electrical Engineering. Technische Universität Darmstadt. Darmstadt. Germany
  • Research: Scalable Quality of Service; Content Distribution Networks; Context Aware Communications; Adaptive Mobile Networking; Knowledge Media; Serious Games
  • Joining Date: July 2007
  • Contact:
  • URL: Personal site

Prof. Dr. Gustavo DE VECIANA

Cockrell Family Regents Chair in Engineering Professor and Associate Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. USA.
  • PhD: Electrical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley. USA
  • Research: Analysis and Design of Wireless and Wireline Telecommunication Networks; Architectures and Protocols to Support Sensing and Pervasive Computing; Applied Probability, Queueing and Information Theory
  • Joining Date: November 2010
  • Contact:
  • URL: Personal site

Dr. Heinrich J. STÜTTGEN

Independent consultant
  • PhD: Computer Science, Associative Memory Architecture, University of Dortmund. Germany
  • Research: Network Architecture and Protocols; Software Defined Networking; Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Fecha de incorporación: June 2017

Prof. Dr. Carla Fabiana CHIASSERINI

Full Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino. Torino. Italy

Former Scientific Council members

The information listed below corresponds to persons and the positions they held whilst being members of our Scientific Council. IMDEA Networks wishes to thank them for their services to the Institute: