Our postdoctoral researcher Elisa Cabana will give an educational talk to students of 3rd and 4th ESO in which she will tell them about her professional career and how she got into the world of research, as well as some social projects in which she is working to improve society such as a sign language translator using neural networks or projects to combat COVID. She will talk about current technological concepts such as artificial intelligence, data science, and big data. At the same time, she will mention initiatives in which women are the protagonists such as WomenTechMakers. She will then review history, highlighting the work of women who have played a relevant role in science such as Ada Lovelace, Marie Courie, Margarita Salas, Margaret Hamilton, and will also give examples of women of “today” such as Sara García, Rocío García, Katie Bouman and Sarah Gilbert.
To conclude, she will take a quiz to see how much they know about the scientists and the contents of the talk.
The educational talk will be given in two different sessions:
The Researchers at Schools initiative aims to strengthen the connection between research and education, by bringing researchers to schools and other pedagogical and educational centers to encourage interaction with pupils at all levels of primary and secondary education. It is funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Program, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions with the grant agreement no. 101061343.