Recent advances on hybrid Open-Flow/All-Path switches and Path Discovery protocols (AOSS, TCP-Path, Multiple Disjoint Paths)

21 Jun

Joaquin Alvarez-Horcajo, Diego Lopez-Pajares, and Isaias Martinez-Yelmo with an introduction by Guillermo Ibañez, researchers from the GIST Netserv Group of Telematic Engineering at University of Alcalá, Madrid (Spain)

External Presentation (External Speaker)

After a number of years of its launch, OpenFlow does not yet provide deployable alternatives but it has fully changed the conceptual approach to manage and control networks. On the other side, path exploration based protocols offer excellent results regarding load distribution through selective path selection per flow or through disjoint paths routing. The talk will summarize the recent reseach results of  the GIST.Netserv group of UAH: AOSS, a hybrid OpenFlow/ARP-Path switch implementing a protocol where the network collaborates with the controller in forwarding and path recovery; TCP-Path, a load balancing protocol with reactive,  per flow, path discovery, and MDP, Multiple Disjoint Path, an exploration based multiple disjoint path routing protocol. Hybrid switches are more a more seen as a realistic option to deploy (gradually) OpenFlow in real networks, due to the scalability limitations of OpenFlow and its lack of flexibility for deployment. TCP-Path offers a tool for selective routing with high potential to route flows of big size. Multiple Disjoint Paths is the first known protocol, apart from those based on source routing, that obtains disjoint paths without graph computation. Experiences with mininet emulator and ns-3 simulator may also be appreciated by researches using them.

About the speakers

The speakers belong to the GIST. Netserv Group of Telematic Engineering at Universidad de Alcalá. The group performs research on layer two protocols since 2006 at UAH, on path exploration protocols since 2009 and on OpenFlow based protocols since 2010, with multiple publications and patents on these subjects.

This event will be conducted in English


  • Location: Sala 1.1/2 IMDEA Networks Institute, Avda. del Mar Mediterráneo 22, 28918 Leganés – Madrid

  • Organization: NETCOM Research Group (Telematics Engineering Department, UC3M); IMDEA Networks Institute
  • Time: 13:00 pm
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