The Madrimasd Foundation for Knowledge (mi+d) celebrates an entrepreneurship workshop at IMDEA Networks. During the workshop, Jesús González Rojo, Head of Unit for Technology Transfer and European Programmes at mi+d, will present to the Institute’s researchers the services and activities provided by Madri+d to promote the internationalization and technology-transfer of Madrid-based research. Eduardo Díaz Sánchez, Head of Unit for New Technology-based Firms at mi+d, will present the services offered by the foundation to researchers wishing to launch a technology-based company or a start-up.
10:00 – 10:45 – Technology transfer & Madrimasd Internationalization by Jesús Rojo, Technology Transfer and European Programmes, Madri+d Foundation for Knowlege
10:45 – 11:30 – Support to technology-based companies/Start-ups Entrepeneur by Eduardo Díaz, New Technology-based Firms, Madri+d Foundation for Knowlege
11:30 – 12:00 – Q&A