The following publications have either received or been nominated to a Best Paper Award. To distinguish them in cases when the award is the result of joint collaboration with scientists from other organizations, IMDEA Networks’ researchers appear in bold letters. These Paper Awards are listed in order of publication, starting by the most recent:
‘Privacy Behaviors and Perceptions of LGBTQ+ Community in Turkey’
AX-CSI: Enabling CSI Extraction on Commercial 802.11ax Wi-Fi Platforms
Coming of Age: A Longitudinal Study of TLS Deployment [PDF ]
This was one out of 3 awards granted.
Demo: Channel Estimation and Custom Beamforming on the 60 GHz TP-Link Talon AD7200 Router (Demo, peer-reviewed) [PDF ]
Third best student paper award “Study on privacy of parental control applications” (Extended abstract) [PDF ]
Anchorless Underwater Acoustic Localization (Paper) [PDF ]
In January 2017, IEEE COMSOC published a list of BEST READINGS TOPICS ON DEVICE-TO-DEVICE COMMUNICATIONS. The list covers works published over the last 10 years. A testimony to the international acknowledgment of the impact and the quality of research carried out in IMDEA Networks in recent years is the inclusion of the following articles published by our scientists:
Passive Communication with Ambient Light (Paper) [PDF ]
An SDR-based Experimental Study of Outband D2D Communications(Paper) [PDF]
This article was selected for IEEE Communication Society’s Tech Focus of 1 December 2016. Featured Topic: MAC/PHY Prototyping Platform