PostDoc Position Global Computing Group and OppArch Lab
Deadline for receipt of applications: 17 June 2021, 14:00h Europe/Madrid Time
The candidate will work in the Global Computing Group, led by Antonio Fernandez Anta, and in the OppArch Lab, led by Vincenzo Mancuso.
The members of the Global Computing Group work on distributed systems, and data acquisition and analysis.The members of the OppArch Lab focus on solutions for extremely high-performing opportunistic architectures for highly dense cellular networks and for infrastructure-less wireless services.
Skills Required
- The candidate post-doc must be expert in machine learning, network protocols of the TCP/IP stack, and radio access technologies and protocols; he/she must also be proficient in data analysis with python and associated development tools, and skilled with data collection tools needed to gather experimental data from real network experiments.
Academic Qualifications
- PhD in computer science, telecommunication engineering, electrical engineering, or a related field
- The researcher will work in collaboration with researchers and students of the IMDEA Networks Institute, perform experimental research and develop cutting edge methods, based on interpretable machine learning, for the analysis and troubleshooting of wireless access networks and for data-driven analysis of communications protocols.
This position will be partially funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the research project “ECID: Computación Edge para Conducción Inteligente”, code PID2019-109805RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.

If necessary choose as supervisor Dr. Antonio FERNÁNDEZ ANTA or Dr. Vincenzo MANCUSO
This position was automatically closed on Europe/Madrid Time
- Remember to select the following option:
Post-Doc: [Post-Doc Researcher] [Global Computing Group and OppArch Lab] [2021]
- Deadline for receipt of applications: 17 June 2021, 14:00h Europe/Madrid Time