Event Category: External Presentation (External Speaker)

OTFS: A New Generation of Modulation Addressing the Challenges of 5G

A new two-dimensional modulation technique called Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS) modulation designed in the delay-Doppler domain is introduced as a waveform ideally suited to new 5G use cases. Through this design, which exploits full diversity over time and frequency, OTFS coupled with equalization converts the fading, time-varying wireless channel experienced by modulated signals such as OFDM into a time-independent channel with a complex channel gain that is roughly constant for all symbols. Thus, transmitter adaptation is not needed. This extraction of the full channel diversity allows OTFS to greatly simplify system operation and significantly improves performance, particularly in systems with high Doppler, short packets, and large antenna arrays. Simulation results indicate at least several dB of block error rate performance improvement for OTFS over OFDM in all of these settings which translates to significant spectral efficiency improvements.

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Towards a Future Multi-Service Mobile Network Architecture

5G is on the horizon. In this talk, I will take a service-oriented perspective of 5G aimed at supporting a wide range of services, differing significantly in their service requirements and device types (including machine-type devices).

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Telefónica comparte con 5TONIC su visión sobre las tendencias y perspectivas del sector

Invitado por 5TONIC, D. Carlos Gavilanes, Director de Estrategia de Telefónica Corp., ha compartido con algunos destacados expertos de IMDEA Networks y la Universidad Carlos III (UC3M) la visión de la compañía sobre las principales tendencias de la industria y las perspectivas sectoriales para los próximos tres años.

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Interference-aware Flexible TDD Design for Massive MIMO 5G Systems

Both the use of very large arrays of antennas and flexible time division duplexing (TDD) designs have become prominent features of next generation 5G cellular systems.

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Radical business innovation with machine learning and intelligent optimization

Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION) is the combination of machine learning from data and optimization to solve challenging and dynamic problems, previously thought to require intelligent human intervention and creativity.

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ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability will be organizing its first NFV PlugtestsTM event on 23 January to 3 February 2017, hosted by 5TONIC Laboratory, headquartered at IMDEA Networks Institute, in Leganés, Madrid, Spain.

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Smart Antenna Systems and Reconfigurable Radios based on Functional Materials

There is a considerable demand for reconfigurable/tunable and compact devices in the Radio Frequency (RF) frontend modules as well as in the antenna systems in modern and future wireless systems for broadcast, communications, radar and imaging, either for frequency tuning and adaptive power matching as well as for polarization tuning and electronic beam steering.

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Workshop on OpenDayLight and NFV/SDN Orchestration

5TONIC, junto con IMDEA Networks, OpenDayLight, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) y Telefónica anuncian la celebración del evento ‘Workshop on OpenDayLight and NFV/SDN Orchestration’, que se celebrará en la UC3M el día 19 de octubre. Este evento es patrocinado por la Fundación Linux.

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Feature selection for smarter data analysis

Nowadays, we are experiencing a growing interest in data science, a relatively new discipline at the intersection between Statistical Learning, Engineering and Operations Research in which practitioners develop and use techniques and algorithms to extract useful insights from an increasing number of huge collections of data. However, the real challenge is not only to find proper ways to deal with the volume of data but also be able to cope with their velocity, variety, veracity and value (the so-called 5 Vs of Big Data). The majority of the datasets are characterized by a large number of high-dimensional patterns, such as those found in genetics, chemistry, finance etc. Others are also characterized by a high level of noise or missing values.

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IPv4 Address Space Exhaustion: Where Are We Now?

The Internet faces a fundamental resource shortage problem: We have run out of freely available IPv4 address space. Today, four out of five of the registries serving the global demand for IPv4 address space have exhausted their address reserves. Networks in need of IPv4 address space can no longer get more address allocations from their respective registries.

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