Agenda de eventos

24 Feb

Graph reconstruction in the congested clique

Ivan Rapaport, Associate Professor at Universidad de Chile
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23 Feb

Swarm Robotics: a new “swiss knife” framework for designing, modeling, and experimenting with networks

Dr. Eduardo Castello, Affiliated Researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Estados Unidos
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22 Feb

Quantum Networks: A stepping stone towards the Quantum Internet

Marius Paraschiv, Post-Doc researcher at IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, España
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22 Feb

Bienal Ciudad y Ciencia 2023

Domenico Giustiniano (Research Associate Professor), Dayrene Frómeta (Estudiante de doctorado), Javier Talavante (Estudiante de doctorado) and Marta Dorado (responsable de Comunicación)
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16 Feb

Data-driven Approaches for Assessing the Security and Privacy of Digital Infrastructures

Srdjan Matic, Investigador Postdoc en IMDEA Sofware Institute, Madrid, España
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15 Feb

AutoManager: a Meta-Learning Model for Network Management from Intertwined Forecasts

Alan Collet, Estudiante de doctorado en IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, España
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15 Feb

Transfiere, Foro Europeo para la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación 2023

Marta Dorado, responsable de Comunicación de IMDEA Networks Institute
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10 Feb

Día de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia 2023: ‘Científicas que inspiran’

Elisa Cabana, Investigadora Postdoc en IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, España
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8 Feb

Conversación con investigadoras: cómo abrirse camino en la ciencia

Livia Chatzieleftheriou (Investigadora Postdoc en IMDEA Networks y UC3M), Dayrene Frómeta (Estudiante de doctorado en IMDEA Networks y UC3M), Prudence Wong (Professor en la University of Liverpool), Rosa Lillo (Directora de IBiDat), María Serna (Professor en UPC)
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1 Feb

kaNSaaS: Joint Admission Control and Resource Allocation of Network Slices with Overbooking

Sergi Alcalá, Estudiante de doctorado en IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, España
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