Agenda de eventos

14 Jun

Towards a Next Generation Internet Architecture

Dr. James Kempf, DoCoMo USA Labs (Palo Alto, California, USA)
The international networking research community has begun to focus on ideas for a next generation Internet architecture. Before developing a next generation architecture, however, it seems appropriate to understand what exactly the problems are with the current Internet architecture. There seems to be widespread agreement that mobility and security are the primary problems stressing the current Internet, but exactly what the problems with mobility and security are, and in particular, whether the problems are architectural in nature, is under dispute. In this lecture series, we examined the mobility and security with the intention of understanding the current architecture and what might be done for a next generation architecture.
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15 Abr

VIII Feria Madrid es Ciencia

La Feria Madrid por la Ciencia (The Forum for Science) is a key part of the Programa de Ciencia y Sociedad (Science and Society Program) that the Regional Government of Madrid launched in 2000, through the Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación (Directorate-General of Universities and Research). This Program seeks not only to promote dialogue between citizens and scientists, but also to increase the public’s participation in science.
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27 Mar

Jornadas REDIMadrid 2007 – El Futuro de la Investigación en Red

El objetivo de estas jornadas es realizar una puesta en común sobre la importancia del soporte de las tecnologías de redes telemáticas en general, y de REDI Madrid en particular, para el desarrollo de una actividad de investigación puntera a nivel mundial. El soporte colaborativo de la actividad de grupos de investigación distribuidos, los entornos GRID, la supercomputación distribuida, las bases de datos científicas son ejemplos de aplicación en casi cualquier campo de investigación científica.
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