Agenda de eventos

29 Nov

Explicitly Accommodating Origin Preference for Inter-Domain Traffic Engineering

Iljitsch van Beijnum, Ayudante de Investigación, IMDEA Networks Institute
Inter-domain traffic engineering is an important aspect of network operation both technically and economically. Traffic engineering the outbound direction is less problematic as routers under the control of the network operator are responsible for the way traffic leaves the network. The inbound direction is considerably harder as the way traffic enters a network is based on routing decisions in other networks.
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21 Nov

CIPT: Using Tuangou to Reduce IP Transit Costs

Ignacio Castro, Ayudante de Investigación, IMDEA Networks Institute
A majority of ISPs (Internet Service Providers) support connectivity to the entire Internet by transiting their traffic via other providers. Although the transit prices per Mbps decline steadily, the overall transit costs of these ISPs remain high or even increase, due to the traffic growth. The discontent of the ISPs with the high transit costs has yielded notable innovations such as peering, content distribution networks, multicast, and peer-to-peer localization.
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18 Nov

Institute IMDEA Networks Open House 2011: Research and development

Why should I consider a future in research? What sort of opportunities does a PhD open up for me? What makes research in the science of networks such an exciting career choice? How can we ensure that the Internet can grow and adapt to ever-changing needs over the coming decades? What lies beyond the Internet? What inspires network research?
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28 Oct

Value of Information in Optimal Flow-Level Scheduling of Users with Markovian Time-Varying Channels

Peter Jacko, Post-doc Fellow, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, España
Ponente: Peter Jacko, Post-doc Fellow, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, España Lugar: Aula 4.1.F03, Edificio Torres Quevedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avda. Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganes – Madrid Fecha: 28 Octubre 2011, 12:30 Organización: NETCOM Research Group (Telematics Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España); Institute IMDEA Networks (Madrid, España)
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28 Oct

BROADCAST, el salón profesional de la tecnología audiovisual

El Madrid Audiovisual Cluster es miembro del comité organizador de BROADCAST, el salón profesional de la tecnología audiovisual, que este año evoluciona hacia un nuevo planteamiento: el certamen dará un salto cualitativo de la tradicional exposición de productos a una propuesta de soluciones y contenidos emergentes. De este modo se adapta a la realidad de la industria de la tecnología audiovisual.
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4 Oct

Jornada de Encuentros Bilaterales Para la Transferencia de Tecnología en Servicios y Soluciones TIC, SIMO Network 2011

En el marco de SIMO network 2011, la Fundación madri+d para el Conocimiento organiza una jornada de carácter internacional dedicada a la transferencia de tecnología, donde se facilita el intercambio de información entre potenciales socios tecnológicos.
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26 Sep

TREND Project Plenary Meeting & Open Day

On Sep 26th and 27th we organize a meeting of the EU project TREND. The research conducted in this project is in the field of energy efficient networking. The second day of the project is dedicated to several research talks by members of the project as well as some external speakers. Those interested in attending to these sessions are welcome to do so. The only requirement is to complete the registration form by Thursday, September 22nd    
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19 Sep

Online Testing of Deployed Federated and Heterogeneous Distributed Systems

Dejan Kostic, Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Networked Systems Laboratory, EPFL
It is notoriously difficult to make distributed systems reliable. This becomes even harder in the case of the widely-deployed systems that are heterogeneous (multiple implementations) and federated (multiple administrative entities). The set of routers in charge of the Internet's inter-domain routing is a prime example of such a system.
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9 Sep

Bounds on QoS-Constrained Energy Savings in Cellular Access Networks with Sleep Modes

Balaji Rengarajan, Institute IMDEA Networks; Gianluca Rizzo, Institute IMDEA Networks; Marco Ajmone Marsan, Institute IMDEA Networks & Politecnico di Torino
Sleep modes are emerging as a promising technique for energy-efficient networking: by adequately putting to sleep and waking up network resources according to traffic demands, a proportionality between energy consumption and network utilization can be approached, with important reductions in energy consumption. Previous studies have investigated and evaluated sleep modes for wireless access networks, computing variable percentages of energy savings.
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6 Sep

FLAVIA: Project Plenary Meeting

Aula 4. 1F03, Departamento de Telemática, Edificio Torres Quevedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avda. Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganes – Madrid
La importancia de las redes inalámbricas para la Futura Internet crece a un ritmo acelerado a medida que los dispositivos móviles se convierten cada vez más en su punto de acceso. No obstante, y como consecuencia de su diseño arquitectónico rígido, las redes inalámbricas actuales no son capaces de adaptarse rápidamente a contextos y necesidades de servicio evolutivos. Creemos que la capacidad de Internet para mantenerse al día con la innovación procede directamente de su dependencia de la abstracción tradicional de una Internet basada en capas.
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