Agenda de eventos

30 Jun

Harnessing Visible Light for Time Synchronization and Mobile Context Recognition

Zhenjiang Li, Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapur
Visible light is ubiquitous in the cyber-space nowadays. In this talk, I will introduce our recent work about how to harness visible light for mobile computing applications in both temporal and spatial design domains. Our work leverages the fact that the fluorescent light intensity changes with a stable period, which can serve as both a global time reference and an indoor environment indicator.
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13 Jun

ACM e-Energy 2014 – The 5th International Conference on Future Energy Systems

Varios miembros y stakeholders de IMDEA Networks Institute lideran la organización del quinto Congreso internacional sobre futuros sistemas energéticos (The 5th International Conference on Future Energy Systems – ACM e-Energy 2014). Marco Ajmone Marsan y Antonio Fernández Anta son investigadores consolidados del Instituto. Jim Kurose de University of Massachusetts at Amherst (EE.UU.) y Jon Crowcroft, de University of Cambridge (Reino Unido) pertenecen al Consejo Científico. Ajmone, Fernández Anta y Kurose son miembros del Comité Directivo del congreso ACM e-Energy, mientras que Crowcroft es Co-Presidente de la edición de 2014.
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11 Jun
10 Jun

Safe Connected Vehicles

Nick Maxemchuk, Research Professor, IMDEA Networks; Professor, Columbia University of New York City, USA
Our objective is to guarantee that vehicles that coordinate their operations will operate safely with all of the other vehicles, implemented by all of the other manufacturers, on the roadway.
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2 Jun

From Quality of Service to Chaos in wireless networks

Imad Aad, Research Scientist, University of Bern, Switzerland
With the increasing availability of configurable network equipments, the research has moved from proposals to improve quality of service in the wireless standards, to complete potential chaos when it becomes accessible to every user. In this talk we go through this evolution and discuss its impact on the network and on the user.
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28 May

Bitcoin. The TCP/IP of finances?

Miguel ORTUÑO, Profesor Titular, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
Bitcoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer payments network. It is the first and most widely used example of a new kind of money known as cryptocurrency. Transactions are fast, non-repudiable and almost anonymous. Fees are extremely cheap and every single transaction is stored in a ledger called the block chain.
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13 May

Adaptable Human-Centric Mobile and Wireless Systems

Veljko Pejovic, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, Reino Unido
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) often fail to perform well in environments and scenarios that were not envisioned at the time of the ICTs creation. Examples of such failures include poor usability of traditional WiFi networks in resource-constrained rural areas, geographically-dependent performance of centralised networked systems, and context-insensitive behaviour of ubiquitous computing devices.
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8 May

The Throughput of Underwater Networks: Analysis and Validation

Paolo Casari, Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Departamento de Ingeniería de la Información, Universidad de Padua, Italia
In this talk, we discuss a theoretical framework to evaluate the throughput of underwater networks over an ensemble of node topologies and propagation environments. We start with a review of the properties of underwater acoustic communications.
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6 May

Expressive and efficient data path provision

Kirill Kogan, Post-doctoral research fellow, Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, EE.UU.
One of the most important achievements of Software-Defined Networking is a possibility to redefine existing invariants in network management, This talk covers three important aspects of data path provision: (1) what should be flexible at the network element level to express various economic models and how different characteristics impact desired objective functions?; (2) how to represent this expressiveness efficiently on data plane; and 3) new abstractions that allow to integrate services from heterogeneous controllers without standardization of Northbound API.
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25 Abr

Separating Wheat from Chaff: Winnowing Unintended Prefixes using Machine Learning

Andra Lutu, Estudiante de doctorado, IMDEA Networks Institute & Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
In this paper, we propose the use of prefix visibility at the interdomain level as an early symptom of anomalous events in the Internet. We focus on detecting anomalies which, despite their significant impact on the routing system, remain concealed from state of the art tools. We design a machine learning system to winnow the prefixes with unintended limited visibility – symptomatic of anomalous events – from the prefixes with intended limited visibility – resulting from legitimate routing operations.
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