Agenda de eventos

27 Oct

IPv4 Address Space Exhaustion: Where Are We Now?

Philipp Richter, Estudiante de doctorado, INET group, Technische Universität Berlin, Alemania
The Internet faces a fundamental resource shortage problem: We have run out of freely available IPv4 address space. Today, four out of five of the registries serving the global demand for IPv4 address space have exhausted their address reserves. Networks in need of IPv4 address space can no longer get more address allocations from their respective registries.
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19 Oct

Workshop on OpenDayLight and NFV/SDN Orchestration

5TONIC, junto con IMDEA Networks, OpenDayLight, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) y Telefónica anuncian la celebración del evento ‘Workshop on OpenDayLight and NFV/SDN Orchestration’, que se celebrará en la UC3M el día 19 de octubre. Este evento es patrocinado por la Fundación Linux.
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7 Oct

5TONIC @ South Summit 2016

El laboratorio de investigación y de innovación abierta 5TONIC participa en el evento South Summit 2016, que tiene lugar los días 5-7 de octubre de 2016, en Madrid (España).
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4 Oct

Ericsson presenta en 5TONIC demo de tecnología desarrollada dentro del proyecto 5G-Crosshaul

Se hará una demostración de avances tecnológicos logrados por el proyecto 5G-Crosshaul a representantes de Telefónica el 4 de octubre de 2016, en el Instituto IMDEA Networks.
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30 Sep

Una ciencia muy deportiva o Un deporte muy científico en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores de Madrid 2016

Investigadores representando a cada uno de los institutos de investigación IMDEA: Agua, Alimentación, Energía, Materiales, Nanociencia, Networks y Software.
En el deporte profesional actual ¿qué es esfuerzo y qué ciencia? El deportista ¿nace o se hace? ¿Y el científico?
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30 Sep

Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Online Scheduling in Fault-Prone Systems: Performance Optimization and Energy Efficiency

Elli Zavou, Estudiante de doctorado, IMDEA Networks Institute & Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Everyone is familiar with the problem of online scheduling, even if they are not aware of it; from the way we prioritize our everyday decisions to the way a delivery service must decide on the route to follow in order to cover the ongoing requests. In computer science this is a problem of even greater importance.
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29 Sep

Jornada Comunicaciones 5G: Retos y oportunidades en sectores claves – Sectores de aplicación, tecnologías e I+D+i

Representantes de la SETSI y otros órganos de gobierno nacionales, 5TONIC, CDTI, Comisión Europea y empresas TIC
Ponentes del máximo nivel presentarán en esta jornada la futura tecnología de comunicaciones 5G, y los retos y oportunidades que 5G supondrá para múltiples sectores relevantes de la actividad económica. Las grandes empresas a nivel mundial ya se están posicionando para paliar las amenazas, y aprovechar las oportunidades, que 5G provocará a medio plazo.
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21 Sep

FIB Efficiency in Distributed Platforms

Dr. Kirill Kogan, Research Assistant Professor, IMDEA Networks Institute
The Internet routing ecosystem is facing substantial scalability challenges due to continuous, significant growth of the state represented in the data plane.
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13 Jul

Distributed and Energy Efficient Routing for Large Scale Networks

Prof. Zhiyong Liu, Ph.D., Professor, The Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
With rapid development of networks and their proliferated applications, energy consumption of the networks has been a major concern for both network design, management, and applications. Routing protocols and algorithms have important effect on network energy consumption.
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29 Jun

Network Geometry: Theory and Applications

Dr. Fragkiskos Papadopoulos, Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
The lack of predictive power over complex systems either designed by humans or evolved by nature, is a foundational problem in contemporary science. Real networks such as the Internet, the Web, social and biological networks, have acquired emergent large-scale properties that are beyond our full understanding, much less prediction or control. Astonishingly, these emergent properties are the same across networks from drastically different domains, and are the ones required to facilitate the optimality of some important network functions, such as information transport.
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