Agenda de eventos

17 Nov

Joint design of wireless network architectures and economic models

Beatriz Lorenzo, Investigador Postdoc, Atlantic Research Center for Information and Communication Technologies (AtlantTIC), Universidad de Vigo, España
Wireless networks are progressively displacing service provisioning towards the edge to accommodate the increasing traffic demands. This paradigm shift calls for smart policies to efficiently share network resources and ensure service delivery. In this talk, a concept of bidding and tipping for spectrum auctioning will be presented. In this concept users iteratively revise their strategies, which include bidding for spectrum, route selection and relaying incentives, to achieve their quality of service requirements. Further, a reinforcement learning algorithm will be discussed to automatize the bidding process based on users¹ previous experiences. Then, a collaborative cognitive dynamic network architecture (CDNA) will be outlined where mobile devices share their connectivities acting as access points for other users and harvest available spectrum.
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8 Nov

Demo: Fronthaul and Backhaul traffic over 5G-Crosshaul data plane

This integrated demo will interconnect different transport technologies carrying backhaul traffic, fronthaul traffic and both in one network, which demonstrates the 5G-Crosshaul data plane technologies developed in the project.
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8 Nov

Según mis cálculos... ¡La banca siempre gana!

Ander Galisteo, Estudiante de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática, IMDEA Networks
Ander Galisteo, estudiante de doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática en el instituto de investigación IMDEA Networks, ha sido invitado a impartir esta charla de divulgación científica dentro del programa "Jóvenes Científicos 2017" de la Semana de la Ciencia de Madrid. 
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7 Nov

El 5G a escena: esta tecnología va a cambiar tu vida (y aún no lo sabes)

Arturo Azcorra, Director, IMDEA Networks Institute; Catedrático, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) participa en la decimoséptima edición de la Semana de la Ciencia de Madrid con más de una treintena de actividades gratuitas que permiten conocer de primera mano la I+D+i de la institución. IMDEA Networks colabora en un espectáculo multimedia, teatral y divulgativo para explorar los efectos de la tecnología 5G en la vida cotidiana  que se celebrará el 7 de noviembre en el Auditorio de la UC3M.  
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6 Nov

Accessing Resources in (city-wide) Networked Environments: Issues and alternatives

Prof. Dr. Ioannis Stavrakakis, Catedrático, Departamento de Informática y Telecomunicaciones, Universidad de Atenas (Grecia); Visiting Professor, IMDEA Networks; Cátedra de Excelencia Comunidad de Madrid (España)
Access to a common (communication) resource has been one of the fundamental problems in the various networking technologies that have emerged over the last half a century.
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27 Sep

Two Approaches for the Performance Evaluation of Queueing Systems: Pricing and Scaling

Josu Doncel Vicente, Profesor Asistente, Departamento de Matemática Aplicada y Estadística, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), España
Queueing theory, the set of probabilistic techniques that study waiting lines or queues, is a fundamental tool to analyze the performance of modern telecommunication networks. In this talk, we present the results of the performance analysis of two queueing systems.
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27 Jul

Guarantees for Automation Networks despite Lossy Communication Links

Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Principal Scientist, ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland
Over the past decades, large-scale and decentralized cyber-physical systems (CPS) have emerged, benefiting from the commoditization of computation, sensing and communication.
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24 Jul

OTFS: A New Generation of Modulation Addressing the Challenges of 5G

Christian Ibars Casas, Principal Engineer, Cohere Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA
A new two-dimensional modulation technique called Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS) modulation designed in the delay-Doppler domain is introduced as a waveform ideally suited to new 5G use cases. Through this design, which exploits full diversity over time and frequency, OTFS coupled with equalization converts the fading, time-varying wireless channel experienced by modulated signals such as OFDM into a time-independent channel with a complex channel gain that is roughly constant for all symbols. Thus, transmitter adaptation is not needed. This extraction of the full channel diversity allows OTFS to greatly simplify system operation and significantly improves performance, particularly in systems with high Doppler, short packets, and large antenna arrays. Simulation results indicate at least several dB of block error rate performance improvement for OTFS over OFDM in all of these settings which translates to significant spectral efficiency improvements.
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19 Jul

SoftAir: A Software-Defined Networking Architecture for 5G Wireless Systems

Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz, Broadband Wireless Networking Lab, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, EE.UU.
SoftAir is a new wireless software-defined architecture with network function virtualization (NFV) solutions for 5G wireless systems. The concept of SDN has been proposed to efficiently create centralized network abstraction with the provisioning of programmability over the entire network.
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