Agenda de eventos

28 Feb

Decentralized Blockchain-based Organizations for Bootstrapping the Collaborative Economy

Samer Hassan, Faculty Associate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (Harvard University), EE.UU; Associate Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
Can we build platforms that are decentralized, democratic, and where profit is distributed? In this talk, I will present P2P Models (, a new ERC 1.5M€ research project to build Blockchain-powered organizations.
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16 Feb

International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN 2018)

The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) is a highly selective single-track international conference focusing on premier research results at the intersection of embedded systems and wireless networking – an area of highest relevance for visionary technologies such as the Internet of Things or Cyber-Physical Systems and application domains such as Smart Production, Smart Cities, or Connected Cars.
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30 Ene
12 Dic

Meeting the Challenges of the Protocol Level Issues for 5G Networks

Joerg Widmer, Research Professor & Research Director, IMDEA Networks Institute, Spain
Among the primary challenges of the roll out 5G networks are the protocol level issues it faces. Issues such as mm-wave beamforming, initial access, MAC layer design, mm-wave localization, network architectures, are all proving to be key elements that must be addressed. Both industry and academic research is still at an early phase of this work and for it to progress work must be done on a number of fronts in terms of test and measurement and other issues. This webinar will examine the work that is being done in addressing these issues and some of the solutions that have been developed.
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12 Dic

Dissecting the Security and Privacy of Wireless Protocols in Aviation

Martin Strohmeier, Investigador Postdoctoral en sistemas de seguridad, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Oxford, Reino Unido
A multitude of wireless technologies are used within air traffic communication. From a conceptual perspective, all of them are insecure as security was never part of their design and the evolution of wireless security in aviation did not keep up with the state of the art.
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1 Dic

Network optimization in the era of virtualization

Georgios Paschos, Investigador Principal, Huawei Technologies, París, Francia
Future networks based on virtualization will enable on-the-fly instantiation of services in the form of "network slices". In this talk we will focus on a fundamental resource allocation problem in this context, that of finding a minimum cost embedding of a network slice onto a graph representing the available resources of our architecture.
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29 Nov

Not All Apps Are Created Equal: Analysis of Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity in Nationwide Mobile Service Usage

Cristina Márquez, Estudiante de Doctorado, Grupo de Investigación NETCOM, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España
We investigate how individual mobile services are consumed at a national scale, by studying data collected in a 3G/4G mobile network deployed over a major European country. Through correlation and clustering analyses, our study unveils a strong heterogeneity in the demand for different mobile services, both in time and space. In particular, we show that: (i) somehow surprisingly, almost all considered services exhibit quite different temporal usage patterns; (ii) in contrast to such temporal behavior, spatial patterns are fairly uniform across all services; (iii) when looking at usage patterns at different locations, the average traffic volume per user is dependent on the urbanization level, yet its temporal dynamics are not. Our findings do not only have sociological implications, but are also relevant to the orchestration of network resources.
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