Agenda de eventos

1 Ago

Blockchain in all its wonder

Paul Rimba, Research Scientist, Software and Computational Systems Group of Data61|CSIRO (Sidney, Australia) & Visiting Scholar, MIT Media Lab (Cambridge, MA, EE.UU.)
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17 Jul

"Won't Somebody Think of the Children?" Examining COPPA Compliance at Scale

Investigador, Grupo sobre seguridad y privacidad útil (Usable Security and Privacy Group), International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), University of California at Berkeley, EE.UU.
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27 Jun

Debugging P4 Programs with Vera

Radu Stoenescu, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB), Romania
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20 Jun

Anchorless Underwater Acoustic Localization using a Single Receiving Element

Elizaveta Dubrovinskaya, Estudiante de doctorado, IMDEA Networks & Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España
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14 Jun

Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Opportunistic Timing Signals for Pervasive Mobile Localization

Aymen Fakhreddine, Estudiante de doctorado, IMDEA Networks Institute & Universidad Carlos II de Madrid, Madrid, España
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7 Jun

Medium Access and Transport Protocol Aspects in Practical 802.11ad Networks

Hany Assasa, Estudiante de doctorado, IMDEA Networks & Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España
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6 Jun

10th IMDEA Networks Annual International Workshop

Miembros del Consejo Científico e investigadores de IMDEA Networks
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30 May

Excellence in Science and Innovation by adopting the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation

Antonia Bierwirth, Gestor de proyectos, Tecnalia Research and Innovation (TRI), Madrid, España; Evaluador propuestas H2020, Comisión Europea
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29 May

HydraNF: Accelerating Service Function Chains with Parallelism

Zhi-Li Zhang, Qwest Chair Professor & Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Minnesota, USA
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