In this talk, we will give an overview of «adversarial» attacks on deep learning, generally known as adversarial machine learning (AML). In particular, we will describe cutting-edge defenses against backdoor/trojan and test-time evasion attacks. The seminar concludes with a discussion network-based anomaly detection (NAD) of zero-day attacks based on packet-flows. This research was funded in part by NSF and AFOSR grants and gifts from Cisco.
George Kesidis and David J. Miller are full professors of EECS at Pennsylvania State University with decades of research and teaching experience in machine learning, communications and networking, security, cloud computing, and performance evaluation. Recently, their research has been funded by grants from NSF, DARPA, ONR, AFOSR and AFRL, and by several gifts from Cisco and Amazon. They are also co-founders of a small start-up working in the areas of security and machine learning. Most of our recent papers are available in technical report form at Additional publication and funding details are given here:
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