Research Engineer

Fecha límite de recepción de solicitudes: 23 Noviembre 2020, 14:00h Horario Europa/Madrid

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English.

IMDEA Networks Wireless Networking Group headed by Prof. Joerg Widmer invites applications for a Research Engineer position in the area of millimeter-wave networking. Depending on the candidate’s skills, the researcher will work on millimeter-wave

Habilidades requeridas

  • Strong background in millimeter-wave networking and/or millimeter-wave communications
  • Very good publication record in top academic conferences and journals
  • Excellent analytical, technical and problem solving skills
  • Interest in mentoring graduate students
  • Very good organization and communication skills

Calificaciones académicas

PhD in computer science, electrical engineering, or a related field


Experience in building systems and experimental work in the area of wireless networking

Duración y tipo de contrato

40 hours /week

  1. Recuerda seleccionar la opción: [Research Engineer] [the area of millimeter-wave networking] [2021]
  2. Fecha límite de recepción de solicitudes: 23 Noviembre 2020, 14:00h Horario Europa/Madrid
  3. Si es necesario escoge como supervisor a Joerg WIDMER