Performance evaluation of a Tree-Based Routing and Address Autoconfiguration for Vehicle-to-Internet Communications

23 Ago

Marco Gramaglia, Institute IMDEA Networks; Carlos J. Bernardos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; María Calderón, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Antonio de la Oliva, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

In-house Presentation

​Vehicular ad hoc networks have proven to be quite useful for broadcast alike communications between nearby cars, but can also be used to provide Internet connectivity from vehicles. In order to do so, vehicle-to-Internet routing and IP address autoconfiguration are two critical pieces. TREBOL is a tree-based and configurable protocol which benefits from the inherent tree-shaped nature of vehicle to Internet traffic to reduce the signaling overhead while dealing efficiently with the vehicular dynamics. This paper experimentally evaluates the performance of TREBOL using a Linux implementation under lab-controlled realistic scenarios, including real vehicular traces obtained in the region of Madrid.

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  • Localización: International Workshop on Context-Aware and Cognitive Intelligence in Vehicular Systems (CAVES 2011), Saint-Petersburg (Rusia)

  • Hora: 09:00 am
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